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2015年09月17日16:57 来源:小站整理
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Describe a good parent/ Describe a neighbor

1.Identify the traits that make a good parent

2.Talk about how these traits would aid the parent.

3.Give examples of a good parent/ and talk about why you feel they are good.

Describe a teenager; Describe a family member you spend most time with

1.Identify the teenager

2.Talk about their personality and appearance.

Describe a comedian actor; Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet

1.Identify the person/ and describe them

2.Talk about what makes this comedian actor / how they impacted others

Describe a person you know who dresses well.

1.Identify the person/ and talk about their style of dress.

2.Talk about why you believe they are a good dresses.

Places and buildings

Describe a place you go to read and write;Describe a place that you go for relaxation (not home);

Describe a café;Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off

1.Name the place/ and talk about its atmosphere

2. Talk about why you enjoy going there

Describe a house/apartment you want to live in

1. What kind of accommodation it is

2.Where it will be located

3. Talk about why do you like to live there


Describe an article you read from magazines or Internet about healthy life.

1. Identify your method to saying health

2.Talk about why you choose this method/ and some of the benefits you receive

Describe something you want to learn more about; A sport event you have seen or taken part in;Describe a public event;

Describe a skill you want to learn

1.What it is

2.How would you learn it

3. Where you can learn it

4. And explain why you want to keep learning it

Describe a person who does well in work

1.Identify the job/ and what you had to do.

2.Talk about whether you enjoyed the job

Describe a long walk you enjoyed; Describe a foreign country you want to go but haven’t been to before;

Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future

1. When did you go for the long walk

2. Where did you go

3. Why did you enjoy it

Describe an important thing that you have forgotten

1. What have you forgotten

2. Why have you forgotten it

3. What lesson did you learn

Describe an occasion that someone made noise

1.What occasion was it

2.Where did it happened

3. Who made the noise

4. What did you feel about that



Describe a book you like

1.Name the book

2. Talk about the content of the book

3.Talk about why you like the book.

Describe an electronic item you bought for your home.

Identify the item/ and talk about why you bought it

Describe a piece of traditional clothing in your country.

1. Name the piece of clothing/ and describe it

2.Talk about its origin and use.





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