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2016年5月雅思口语Part1真题及范文--Being in a hurry

2016年05月03日10:22 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文为大家整理了2016年5月雅思口语Part1的和being in a hurry有关的4个真题,每个真题下有两个不同版本的范文,供大家学习参考,赶快来看一下吧

今天为大家带来2016年5月雅思口语Part1题目及范文--Being in a hurry的4个不同的问题,每个问题有两个范文,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用,同学们赶快来准备一下吧!

2016年5月雅思口语Part1真题及范文--Being in a hurry图1

1.When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

范文1:Actually, it is today. Hurry getting up and grabing a cab. So upset the traffic was not helping and it took me 30 minutes more from home here. Fortunately, I got there in time.

范文2:Well, it must be yesterday. I woke up pretty late at about 8.45, and my class would start at 9 in the morning. So I had to rush out without having breakfast.

2.Do you like to finish things quickly?

范文1:Well, kind of. Actually I like to plan things quickly. When faced with complicated tasks, I like to quickly break them down into several smaller tasks and make a detailed plan about my daily work load and then to finish them all.

范文2:Actually, it depends. For things that I don't enjoy, I'd like to finish them as soon as possible. For the things that I enjoy (like the dinning or going to a concert), I can spend the whole day.

3. What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?

范文1:I will never dining in a hurry. This is my favorite moment in a day as my family and I are sharing this moment, so it's a great time for all of us. I will never allow hurry or any other unpleasant emotion to sabotage my memory.

范文2:Eating,I suppose. I respect all kinds of food. They mean much more to me rather than just making my stomach full. Taking time to eat can make me feel the taste and texture of every ingredient.

4.Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?

范文1:Probably because they want to finish it as soon as possible but things turn out quite not so expected. And normally it is much easier to make a wrong decision when you have no more time think it over.

范文2:Well, I guess this has something to do with people's judgements and reactions. When people are in a hurry, they have less time to observe the whole situation, so they're easy to make wrong judgements; and wrong judgements will lead to wrong reactions, which are also called mistakes.



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