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9月最新雅思口语P3范文:skill you learned when you were a child

2016年09月21日13:28 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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摘要:小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季p3部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child(小时候学习的技能)的范文,9月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出part 3部分范文答案:Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child ,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧!

9月最新雅思口语P3范文:skill you learned when you were a child图1

1.What age will make it difficult for a person to learn a skill?

Well, it is generally believed that children can learn faster than adults, and childhood is the prime time for a person to learn skills. But personally I think there's no so-called age that makes it difficult for a person to learn skills. Even for old people, they also have the ability to learn new skills. As the Chinese saying goes, it's never too old to learn. Old people have accumulated rich experience and knowledge, and all these will offer help when they learn new skills.

2.Will the age of 5 or 20 be better?

Well, I think the age of 20 may be the best part of time in one's life. At the age of 20, one's view on the world becomes different, and no longer childish. We have become adults and individuals that have our own independent minds. Also, some people start living separately from parents so that they can have freer life. It is also the best time for young people to develope their careers and have a romance.

3.Who will you learn a skill from, friends, teachers or parents?

Personally, I'd like to learn skills from my teachers. I believe many people hold the same opinion with me. Because firstly, teachers are trained professionals, and they can give us professional guidance and help, so we can master the skill more quickly. Another important point is that, if I encounter any problems during the learning process, my teacher will help me at any time. For example, my swimming teacher often shows me the demonstration of movement by himself, which helps me improve a lot.

4.What' s the difference between children learning what they like and learning what they have to learn?

Well, I think the biggest difference is that when people are learning what they like, they will have a great motivation. As we all know, interest is the best teacher and the premise of learning on one's own. For instance, the famous basketball player, Michael Jordan once said: "I love this game." When asked why he could get great achievements in basketball. However, when children learn something they are not interested in but just have to learn, they will finally lose their patience and perseverance and give up halfway.



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