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2017年01月11日14:37 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天这里为大家整理1月雅思口语part1 中关于weather话题的答案。希望同学们有所学习。



1.Do you like raining?

Oh, absolutely not. I hate raining days. I have to admit that weather is able to exert dramatic impacts on how I feel. If it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy. Sometimes my shoes and socks get wetted by the rain and it is very likely for to catch a cold in this way.

2.What kind of weather do you like the most?

Sunny and warm, without doubt, and that is the reason for me to favor summer above all the other seasons. Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. Lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away, and I guess that’s why people living in rainy places suffer more depression than those who live in sunny regions.

3.Does weather have any influence on you?

Oh, weather can have dramatics impacts on how I feel. Walking under the sun in the morning gives me hope and energy for a whole’s work. Also, lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away. On the contrary, if it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy.

4.Which season do you like best, why?

Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. I fondly look back to summer throughout all the other months of the year. I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. More importantly, drinking coca cola, eating ice-cream and swimming for hours are all perfectly justifiable thanks to summer.

5.Which one do you prefer, a place with changeable seasons or a place with unaltered seasons?

As I have mentioned, I love summer, so I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. Unaltered season means that I do not have to worry about a wide range of clothes that best suit different temperatures. All what I need to worry about is fashion and style. Besides, living with only one season doesn’t require a person to adjust him or herself frequently, so the chance of catching a cold will be relatively low.



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