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1-4月雅思口语Part2话题范文: an area of science

2017年02月21日16:11 来源:小站整理
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摘要:雅思口语关于subjects的问题基本上在part1 就已经被问的非常详细了,所以大家解释起来没有那么困难,至少还是能在短时间内想出一两个点的。这两个雅思口语换题季part 2 关于学科的话题依旧保留。

雅思口语关于subjects的问题基本上在part1 就已经被问的非常详细了,所以大家解释起来没有那么困难,至少还是能在短时间内想出一两个点的。这两个雅思口语换题季part 2 关于学科的话题依旧保留Describe an area of science that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics)。

1-4月雅思口语Part2话题范文: an area of science图1

首先一个关键词science大家可能就有点confused,哪些学科属于science 呢?大家比较熟悉的应该就是自然科学,因为从小学开始大家就接触物理Physics,化学Chemistry,生物biology,天文Astronomy,地理Geography等等,答案还是以好说为主,尽量避免一些专有名词之类的涉及。

其次,平时回答subjects的问题都是part1 部分,所以答案都很短,撑足2分钟理由不仅可以说这门学科有多炫酷,也可以讲是因为老师我才喜欢的,这个老师长得特别帅,或是只是知识渊博,这样我们的篇幅就够了啊。今天我们一起来看看一篇关于物理physics 的范文。

There are a number of fields of science that I’ve learned since primary school, like chemistry, biology and math and the like,but the one that I’d like to mention today is physics.

I don’t mean that I am crazy about it, I just take it as a magical and amazing subject. I heard before that physics is the knowledge of nature, about motion,space and time as well as energy and force.

The first time I was in touch with physics was the first day of primary school. I still remember the teacher, a man in his early 30s with curly short hair. He has slight dark skin ad black eyes. What special about him is that the muscle which makes him look so strong. Fine, I am more appearance oriented, so maybe that’s the part of reason why I am keen on physics. On that day, he told us lots of knowledge about the origin of natural phenomenon, like thunder, lightening, changing in four seasons.

Listening his words, I thought I was in a wonderland, which was full of miracles and unknowns. Since then, I’ve got hooked on physics. In my eyes, it gives me a feeling that physics can make me get closer to the nature.

I admit that’s one of the reasons why I choose the major, electric engineering and automation, which is a subject of force and power.



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