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2017年5-8月预测雅思口语Part2话题范文:foreign food you ate

2017年05月02日11:49 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(12) 阅读(13823)
摘要:本文为大家分享雅思口语1-4月题库出现的一道part2话题:Describe a kind of foreign food you have had吃过的外国食物,准备5月份考试的烤鸭可要注意了。根据以往的考试规律,这道高频真题很有可能会延续到5-8月的题库中的。所以,赶紧开动起来吧。

雅思口语话题:Describe a kind of foreign food you have had吃过的外国食物

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how did you feel about it

2017年5-8月预测雅思口语Part2话题范文:foreign food you ate图1



I'd like to tell you about my first experience of Japanese cuisine. This story took place about five or six years ago now, when I was dating my ex-girlfriend. One evening, she invited me to eat out with her and a few of her female friends at this Japanese restaurant. At first, I was a bit reluctant to go, partly because I hadn't met any of her friends at that time and I'm not that great around new people, but mainly because I'm a fussy eater. There's nothing worse than eating out, dying of hunger because you'd skipped lunch so you wouldn't spoil your appetite, and then not liking the food you order or anything on the menu. My then-girlfriend persuaded me to go, but I told her I probably wouldn't like anything. The restaurant was nice. It had a Japanese theme but I think everyone working there was Chinese. We went in, sat down and thought about what to have. When I was looking at the menu, nothing took my fancy so I let the girls choose my meal, which was rice and some seafood like prawns and salmon; I think it was all or partly raw. The girls started tucking into their food but I just ended up playing with mine. I was starving, I could have eaten a horse, but I just picked at mine, mainly eating the rice, which had no flavour to it, and little bites of fish with my glass of water to wash it down. If I'd had my way, we would have gone somewhere else, to a place where I could have stuffed my face. I haven't had Japanese food since and I don't have any intention of trying it again.



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