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17年5-8月雅思口语part2话题答案:wait for something to happen

2017年05月11日10:14 来源:小站整理
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摘要:与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。一转眼,雅思口语进入了5-8月的新一轮话题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,冲7正当下。​本文口语part2话题:a situation you waited for something to happen等待某事发生。

Hey,烫手的5-8月雅思口语话题范文来啦!小站雅思君就是这么的有效率,这两天都是潜心于最新口语题目的整理与范文的编纂,动次打次,5-8月要考试的同学们来收题啦!这是一个旧题重现:Describe a situation you waited for something to happen等待某事发生,文末的一些亮点词汇,可收藏。

17年5-8月雅思口语part2话题答案:wait for something to happen图1


Describe a situation you waited for something to happen.

You should say:

when and where it happened;

what you waited for;

how long you waited for it;

and explain how you felt about waiting.


Ok right then, well after thinking for a little bit just now, what I’ve decided to talk about is the time I waited for a boat at the West Lake in Hangzhou. And as for when this happened, well I suppose it must have been about two or three months ago by now, and it was on a weekend, so we kind of knew that there would be a long queue for the boats!

So yeah, when we got there, we were told that there would be a wait of about an hour or so, at least, which was what we pretty much expected. But we didn’t feel like twiddling our thumbs and hanging around for an hour doing nothing, so instead, what we actually decided to do was to get a ticket number first and then go for a walk around the lake, have lunch and then come back again in the afternoo n. Do it that way!

And I’m glad to say that, when we went back later and showed the guy our ticket, he told us we could get on the next boat. So we felt pretty good about it, and it was quite a relief as well, cos I mean, he could have told us that we missed our turn and would have to get another ticket number, you know, like they do in the bank. But thankfully, he took pity on us, especially after I’d said that we had waited for about 4 hours! So yeah, it all worked out pretty well for us, cos we almost immediately got onto a boat. I’m not sure the other people waiting were very impressed, cos it kind of looked like we were queue barging, but anyway, that’s basically what happened!

So that’s about it, thanks for listening!


Queue –队伍 (it can be used as a noun or verb)

Wait – here it is used as a noun

It was what we pretty much expected. – 跟我们想象的差不多一样

twiddling our thumbs – do nothing, 无所作为 (抚弄大拇指)

hanging around -闲呆着

it was quite a relief -令人庆幸,让我们松了一口气

he took pity on us – 他同情了我们

it all worked out pretty well for us - 最终结果不错

queue barging – jumping the queue, 插队



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