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8月雅思口语P2话题答案:happy marriage幸福婚姻

2017年08月02日15:27 来源:小站整理
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摘要:8月,与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。​本文口语part2话题:a couple you know who have a happy marriage。赶紧来发狗粮吧。注意:此话题极大可能将延续到9月的变题中。广大烤鸭,速速开练吧。


8月雅思口语P2话题答案:happy marriage幸福婚姻图1


Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.

You should say:

Who they are

How you knew them

How long they have been married

And explain why you think they have a happy marriage.



1. Pat on the Back: 赞许

The strongest couples openly celebrate each other's good news and triumphs(成功). They show enthusiasm, ask questions, and offer sincere congratulations.


2. Explore: 探索

Nothing bonds(建立感情) you like experiencing new things, whether that be sky diving or traveling to a new country. Couples who did this report feeling more loved and supported.


3. Crack Each Other Up: 逗笑对方

If you can't recall a moment where you shared a laugh, you are in trouble. Couples who share funny memories have better relationships.


4. Bedroom Behavior: 房事

The happiest couples get it on two to three times a week. But if that's too much nookie(性交) for you, those who had sex even once a week had more positive feelings about their marriage than those that didn't.


5. Your Fighting Style Matters: 吵架也讲方式的

Happy couples show humor, express affection, and concede(承认) on certain points when they argue. This diffuses(分散) tension(紧张气氛), making for an easier way to form a resolution(解决方案). Unhappy couples criticize, show contempt(轻蔑), roll their eyes, act defensively, and name call(骂人).



I am going to tell you the happy marriage between my father and my mother. You know,the thing I am quite proud of is that, I come from a close-knit family, I mean, my father, my mother create a culture of good feelings in our home and in their marriage and that’s what really makes a home “home”.

I started realizing my father is so considerate, gentle and well-balanced is because, I never saw him lose his temper, not even complain about any tiny chores in family. In my memory, every time when my father was talking to my mother, he always started sentence with “I love it when…” for example, in stead of “Why haven’t we gone for a date recently?” In a very gentle manner he was always like “I love it when we go out together. Remember when we went to the restaurant that night? I had so much fun.Let’s do that again!”

They have got married for roughly 30 years and the most interestingly unusual thing is, my father and mother would always switch roles at home. I mean, domestic tasks can never be gendered in my family, my mother has a portfolio career, she is super busy and does more paid work. So sometimes she just does the minimum amount of domestic chores that she needs to do to get by, whilst my father covers a lot such as, doing the laundry, organizing my school and social lives, putting the rubbish bins out…the list goes on. But they are both happy with the give and take respectively.

I think they have a happy marriage because…they can always find happiness in little things and what they should aim for, rather than what we don’t have. That’s very simple but important. All those small moments build an habit of seeing each other through a rose-tinted spectacle, of course they may also be negative moments but more importantly, they always try to remember the good ones and appreciate them. So they are not always eye to eye, but always heart to heart.



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