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雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文学习:a school that you went to when you were a child

2017年08月09日14:18 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文话题:a school that you went to when you were a child,范文出自英国前考官之手,表达地道,和国内的参考书的模板答案相比,着实让人眼前一亮。速速膜拜,速速大快朵颐吧。建议烤鸭们着重学习考官如何自然地组织句子,段落,让整个答案浑然一体,且完美地回应整个话题。


雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文学习:a school that you went to when you were a child图1


Describe a school that you went to when you were a child

You should say

where the school was

when you went there

what the school and the teachers were like

and explain whether you enjoyed your time there.


I’m going to talk about my primary school. The school was called ..... and it was in the town of ..... . The location of the school was great because it was within walking distance of our family home at the time. The route to school was all downhill, which made it an easy walk in the morning, but a tiring journey on the way home in the afternoon!

I was a pupil at ..... school between the ages of 5 and 11 - the full 6 years of primary education. From age 11 onwards, I went to a nearby secondary school.

My primary school seemed like a big place at the time, but it was actually quite a small school, with only six classes. I remember there being a large room called the assembly hall, where the whole school gathered every morning to hear messages from the headmaster. I also remember spending a lot of time on the playground and on the sports field. I liked all of my teachers; they were caring but strict at the same time, and I think they fostered a positive and fun atmosphere in the school.

I have really fond memories of my primary school years, mainly because of the friends I made and the fun I had. One of my most vivid memories is of performing in the school play in my final year. I had to learn lines and play the part of a character in a traditional children’s story. It was a nerve-racking experience, but it felt like my first real achievement.



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