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雅思口语话题Part3范文: a person who is helpful to you in study or work

2017年10月17日20:22 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本期雅思口语话题范文答案是Part3: Describe a person who is helpful to you in study or work,共有14题范文。范文内容描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家择要摘取观点即可。9-12月的雅思口语Part3部分话题范文已更新,后续会加紧赶制,大家稍安勿躁。

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雅思口语话题Part3范文: a person who is helpful to you in study or work图1


参考范文:Describe a person who is helpful to you in study or work

1. Do you like helping others? 你喜欢帮助别人吗?

Oh, yes! I really enjoy bearing my hand to others. I can even say it has become my second nature. Helping people and animals gives me a lot of joy and a warm feeling that something I did benefited others and made the world a better place. When I lend my hand to someone in need, I feel like I have a purpose, like I live my life for a reason and it makes me really happy. What I don't like about favouring other people is the fact that they are often not ready to accept help or advice and, in the end, turn into enemies. Of course, it makes me upset but, thankfully, doesn't stop me from doing good.

2. In your view, should children be taught to help others? 在你的看来,儿童应该被教育去帮助别人吗?

Definitely, they should. Lending others a helping hand is really important for increasing children's self-confidence, self-esteem and life satisfaction because it improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety, brings fun and fulfillment to kids' lives. Moreover, it helps kids operate successfully in society, I mean, make new friends, strengthen existing relationships and boost social skills in general.

3. How can we encourage children to help others? 我们如何鼓励儿童帮助他人?

To my mind, there are a lot of things parents can do to teach and motivate their kids to bear a hand to others. First of all, they should set their own example by helping a neighbour or a relative and letting a child see this action of helping or even engaging a child in this act of kindness. It's vital to teach children to give, and parents can do it by asking them to share an apple or a toy with them or somebody else. They can also make helping a family affair and perform some small acts of kindness together with kids, teaching them to see the abundance around and think of people they can share it with.

4. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past? 你认为和过去相比,人们更不愿意帮助别人吗?

Well, I want to believe that more, despite the fact that people are too busy these days to think about others. Technological progress has let people see the inequity of the world and those people they can lend a helping hand to. As a result, people have become more sensitive to needs and troubles of others and more willing to help them cope with difficulties changing the situation for the better. I think the fact that a lot of people are engaged in charitable work and volunteering these days proves this hypothesis.

5. Do people today trust others as much as they used to in the past? 今天的人们是否像过去一样信任他人?

Unfortunately, no. There is almost no trust to others these days compared to the past. I think this is because the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider these days. Moreover, there is a high rate of racism and discrimination all around the world. All these factors make people more suspicious and destroy trust. Several decades ago people almost never locked their cars and front doors to their homes or if they did lock the front door, they left the key in some obvious place like under the mat. They also let children go anywhere they wanted without being accompanied. Regrettably, these days it's a highly unlikely scenario.

6. How do people in your community help each other? 你们社区的人是如何互相帮助的?

Well, I guess, first of all, they donate something they don't use anymore, let's say, give clothes they no longer wear to people who wear the same outfit day in and day out or give toys to children from poor families. They also offer needy families different help like babysitting, tutoring or teaching kids a skill they are good at. Some members of my community volunteer at our local shelter or hospice buying and cooking food, doing chores or just comforting distressed people lending them an ear or saying a kind word. When it comes to neighbours, people can see after each other's houses when someone is g. either watering plants or feeding pet!

7. How do students, such as high-school students, help each other? 学生们,比如高中生,如何互相帮助?

I guess students can do a lot to help each other succeed both academically and socially because peers play a central role in students' lives, especially in middle and high school. Teenagers often help their friends with building hopes and dreams or even setting goals and then encourage them to do their best to achieve these goals. They also share knowledge with each other and help weaker schoolmates with homework. What is more, students can provide one another with social support, assist with decision-making and help each other develop confidence and clear self-concepts.



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