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雅思口语话题题库跑题范文:一条校规a rule at your school

2017年11月21日21:15 来源:小站整理
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摘要:为大家带来雅思口语part2范文,此范文为反面案例,该考生没有按照要求描述一条校规,而是举了多个校规的例子阐述,跑题。雅思口语和雅思作文在评分标准上的主要区别在于:雅思口语没有task response(任务完成的情况),而考察考生的pronunciation。然而,这并不代表考生在说口语的时候可以随便乱说。

本文带来雅思口语part2话题范文:一条校规(Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree),注意,这是一个反面范文,该考生在做具体口语描述时跑题,举了多个校规的例子,而话题只要求对一个校规进行描述。在口语part2,很多考生之所以分数不理想,很多时候是因为他们说的故事不适合题目,这样考官觉得你对题目不够理解,可能只是搬了一个故事来回答。不管考生如何声情并茂,是否使用英音,最后分数可能还是5.5:因为你的用词、你的描述、你对题目的理解展现了你的语言能力。

雅思口语话题题库跑题范文:一条校规a rule at your school图1

雅思口语part 2话题

Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

You should say:

What is the rule

Why this rule has to be established

What will happen if we break down this rule?

What are the positive and negative effects of this rule


When I was at school there were many rules we had to follow. Most of them were regarding discipline; you know, like not running in the corridors, not fighting in the playground, things like that.

I guess by the time I arrived at high school I was accustomed to such rules, like most students. It becomes normal and most students obey, or follow, the rules. But there are always one or two exceptions.

I can remember one student who was expelled from school for constantly fighting with other students. The student had been transferred from another school, and was known as a ‘difficult case’ in terms of discipline.

He didn’t really show much respect for the teachers and used to hang around with a bad group of people. Anyway, he was always getting into trouble with teachers and other students, and eventually he was expelled after fighting with another boy within the school grounds, and subsequently transferred to another school.

Some rules seem silly at times, but clearly the rule about fighting is a good one because it’s dangerous, and other students might follow this bad example and then there would be a lot of disorder and it would affect the atmosphere of the school.

So obviously it was a good rule, and I think that the punishment for breaking the rule several times – expulsion from school – was correct so as to deter any other students from following a bad example.

It’s important that students learn to obey rules at school, because it’s just part of life. When you grow up and become an adult there are many more rules you have to follow, such as when you’re driving, working, and many other aspects pf life which are governed by rules.

Learning to respect rules, and authority, even if you don’t fully understand why, or agree with the rules, is an essential part of becoming a productive member of society, and so it is something that children should be expected to learn from the first day they enter into the education system – because rules will be part of their live every day for the rest of their lives.


there were many rules we had to follow,直到I was accustomed to such rules, 都没有具体说明要说哪一条校规,第三段开始,始终说的都是Some rules. 尽管该考生在雅思口语评分标准从四个方面(fluency& coherence, lexical resource, grammar range, Pronunciation)表现不错,但是忘记了问题关键 a rule(一条校规)。




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