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雅思口语题库part2话题原创范文骄傲的成就an achievement that you are proud of

2017年11月23日10:10 来源:小站整理
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摘要:为大家带来雅思口语part2事件类话题范文:Describe an achievement that you are proud of 傲人成就,范文由高分考生原创,主题是:一次成功的节目主持经历。考试倒计时,还不速速搜藏,学习高分范文地道用词及高分表达,拿下口语7分就是这么简单。

雅思考试中,雅思口语回答,是需要一些核心的词汇、正确句型、以及良好的表达心态。这样我们才能言之有物,有话可说。为大家带来本期雅思口语part2事件类话题高分范文:Describe an achievement that you are proud of 傲人成就,范文由高分考生原创,主题是:一次成功的节目主持经历。话不多说,范文自取:

Describe an achievement that you are proud of

You should say:

What it was

How it was made

What difficulties have you encountered during the process

Why you are proud of this achievement


雅思口语题库part2话题原创范文骄傲的成就an achievement that you are proud of图1

回归:雅思口语part2话题范文汇总——骄傲的成就(an achievement that you are proud of




Well, I would like to start by saying that I am a goal-oriented person and I love to chase my targets and accomplish my goal. Here I would like to mention a time when not only I but my family also felt proud on me.

I was when I was in my 11th class and the school organized a farewell party for our seniors: the 12th grade students. I was given the responsibility of delivering a speech and my friend, who is a great orator, was assigned the duty of hosting the function. We started preparing for our presentation and before the event we were all good to go. However, a day before the event, my friend met with an accident and she broke her leg. This was a bolt from the blue for everyone and everybody thought that all the preparation would go in vain in the absence of the host. At eleventh hour, my teacher took a bold decision and he approached me with a firm trust that I could shoulder my friend’s responsibility. I became very nervous because I had never hosted any event before but I respected the faith of my teacher and with the help of my friend, I prepared myself a night before. Next day, I was feeling butterflies in my stomach when the event started but honestly speaking, the whole event went smooth when I stood on the podium. After the event, I took a sigh of relief and when my teachers and friends complimented me, I felt on top of the world. I received an award as well from the chief guest of the function. I, then, went back to hospital to meet my friend and I gave her the award which I think she truly deserved.

All in all, it was such a great experience of my life and it made me realise tht life is all about going boldly after your dreams without paying attention to naysayer. Thanks.



chase my targets

a farewell party

assigned the duty

a bolt from the blue

go in vain

shoulder my friend’s responsibility

feel butterflies in my stomach

on top of the world


This was a bolt from the blue for everyone and everybody thought that all the preparation would go in vain in the absence of the host.

I became very nervous because I had never hosted any event before but I respected the faith of my teacher and with the help of my friend, I prepared myself a night before.

I was given the responsibility of delivering a speech and my friend, who is a great orator, was assigned the duty of hosting the function.

All in all, it was such a great experience of my life and it made me realise tht life is all about going boldly after your dreams without paying attention to naysayer




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