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雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文之:感兴趣的学科(an area of science you studied that you are interested in)

2017年12月13日10:27 来源:小站整理
参与(7) 阅读(10820)
摘要:为烤鸭带来雅思口语题库话题:感兴趣的学科(an area of science you studied that you are interested in)。主题为生物学,范文用词地道,逻辑连贯,适用于各类考生。文末附高分口语语料,助攻口语提分,速速修炼,召唤7分神龙,从此分手雅思。

为大家带来雅思口语part2事件类话题范文:感兴趣的学科(an area of science you studied that you are interested in),范文由高分考生原创,内容有关生物学,这是我最喜欢的科目,生物学在我的现实生活中有所帮助,生物学也帮助我澄清了对人体的误解。在雅思考试中,雅思口语回答,是需要一些核心的词汇、正确句型、以及良好的表达心态。这样我们才能言之有物,有话可说。友情提示,范文仅作参考,口语提分关键还是多积累,勤加练习。话不多说,范文自取:


雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文之:感兴趣的学科(an area of science you studied that you are interested in)图1


You should say:

what branch of science it is

when you studied it

how you studied it

and explain why you are interested in it




In my high school part, I had to study some subjects of science and biology was one of them. I loved the subject for some interesting reasons. In fact, it was the subject that I paid more attention than any other subjects in my school days. Here is a brief description of the subject.

Biology mostly deals with the biological issues of the beings including humans, animals and plants. So, it was my preferred subject than the other science courses in school. I loved the practical part of the subject. Often I had to cut through different little creatures like frogs, cockroaches, mice etc, to create a diagram of the inner portion of the animals.

Mr Augustine was our teacher for this subject in the high school. He was a gentle man and scholar. He knew how to teach the subject. Actually, the school assigned another young teacher for the subject, but the teacher was too young to teach. Based on the complaints from the students, the authority changed the teacher and Mr Augustine replaced the former one. To be honest about the matter, I have not seen a devoted teacher like him. All of the students were like his own children. He loved them and never made rude remarks even if they failed to bring home works or forget to bring other assignments.

I did not have any idea about the inner parts of living beings. The subject helped me a lot to gather knowledge about the biological issues. After having the practical classes, I came to know about that how the inside of a living being looks like. I also knew the names of the organs and what their functions were to keep humans and other living beings alive. Moreover, I became expert in peeling the skins of the dead animals. In fact, I was afraid of blood and injuries. The fear disappeared after participating the practical class. Further, I learned some other precious knowledge from this subject.

Biology has helped in my real-life situations. Now I know how everything inside a body works. I know what may happen if they are damaged or diagnosed with any disorder. As a result, I am not afraid of diseases or injuries. Besides, biology also helped me to clear the misconceptions about the human body. I did not have the knowledge that the inside of a body could be so complicated and gradually I became aware of the immunology and the internal organs. It was easier for me to understand the reasons for falling ill and how to recover from the illness. Moreover, Biology also helped me to pick the right form of sport for me.


地道用词:cut through

living beings

高分句型:In fact, it was the subject that I paid more attention than any other subjects in my school days.

After having the practical classes, I came to know about that how the inside of a living being looks like.

I also knew the names of the organs and what their functions were to keep humans and other living beings alive.

I did not have the knowledge that the inside of a body could be so complicated and gradually I became aware of the immunology and the internal organs.




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