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雅思口语库part2参考范文之:收获好建议(a situation you received some useful advice)

2017年12月13日13:40 来源:小站整理
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摘要:为烤鸭带来雅思口语题库话题:收获好建议(Describe a situation you received some useful advice)。主题为来自父亲的建议,范文用词地道,逻辑连贯,适用于各类考生。文末附高分口语语料,助攻口语提分,速速修炼,召唤7分神龙,从此分手雅思。

为大家带来雅思口语part2事件类话题范文:收获好建议(Describe a situation you received some useful advice)。范文由高分考生原创,内容有关我的父亲给了我一些学习上的建议,帮助我对学习和学习产生了兴趣,我父亲的建议让我明白,我必须努力学习,才能在我对未来的设想。在雅思考试中,雅思口语回答,是需要一些核心的词汇、正确句型、以及良好的表达心态。这样我们才能言之有物,有话可说。友情提示,范文仅作参考,口语提分关键还是多积累,勤加练习。话不多说,范文自取:


雅思口语库part2参考范文之:收获好建议(a situation you received some useful advice)图1


Describe a situation you received some useful advice

You should say:

Who gave you this advice

What kind of advice he/she gave you

Why he/she gave you this advice

And explain how did the advice help you




I was bit confused while picking the situation when I received some useful advice from others and finally I decided to talk about the advice I got from my father when I was in my early teenage.

There was no particular situation or reason my father gave me some advice. In one evening I was sitting near him and watching TV. I was then 14 years old and was very fond of quiz shows. Both of us were enjoying the programme and a few minutes later my father asked me about my school. That was a bit embarrassing to talk about since my recent exam result was disappointing. He then told me some fascinating stories from his childhood and how he felt about school, study and other stuff. My father has a natural talent for telling compelling stories or maybe I love his stories because I like him very much. At one point I was so amazed to learn that he was very much like me and had more passion for playing, hanging out with friends than studying. He then explained me the importance of studying very attentively and how my academic performance will determine my future.

If the advice had not been received from my father, I might have taken it very lightly. But when he told me how he had changed himself and achieved excellence in his academic results and how that has helped him to achieve a career he always dreamt about, I took it very seriously. The best point about this conversation was that I did not feel like I was being lectured or intentionally delivered some good advice. I thought about what my father advised me and I was really captivated about the idea that my academic excellence can someday make me a person I want to be. I was really enthralled about what I want to be in the future and my father’s advice made it clear to me that I will have to study hard to achieve this in my life.

I won’t say I have achieved an excellent academic record, but this advice helped me to become interested in learning and studying. Things could have been quite different for me if I did not receive the advice in proper time. This is the reason I consider it as the best advice I have ever received from anyone. This advice grew the interest of reading and learning in me and that’s the best part in my life so far.


地道用词:natural talent

proper time

hang out

academic excellence


I was bit confused while picking the situation when I received some useful advice from others and finally I decided to talk about the advice I got from my father when I was in my early teenage.

My father has a natural talent for telling compelling stories or maybe I love his stories because I like him very much.

I thought about what my father advised me and I was really captivated about the idea that my academic excellence can someday make me a person I want to be.




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