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雅思口语库part2话题参考范文之:a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative(教授亲朋)

2017年12月13日15:25 来源:小站整理
参与(2) 阅读(9899)
摘要:为烤鸭带来雅思口语题库话题:a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative(教授亲朋)。主题为教朋友和他的家人感受世界的温暖,范文用词地道,逻辑连贯,适用于各类考生。文末附高分口语语料,助攻口语提分,速速修炼,召唤7分神龙,从此分手雅思。


Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do something

You should say:

Who is this person

What did you teach this person

How do you feel about this experience


雅思口语库part2话题参考范文之:a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative(教授亲朋)图1





Thank you for giving me the chance to talk about this topic. Actually, I can remember quite a few occasions when I tried to teach others. The particular event that I would like to talk about was the time when I teach my friend and his family to feel the warmth of the world.

I met with my friend when I was a volunteer. He had a family of 5 members and he was a technician. He had very little education and he mostly relied on the small shop he had to repair electronic goods. After a devastating cyclone, his small shop was demolished and he had no other income source or ability to rebuild it. One day I noticed him trying to console his small kids who were demanding for foods. This happened near our college campus and I had been there to meet a friend. I was so touched by the beautiful yet gloomy faced kids that I went ahead and talk to this person. He explained what happened and was talking in a trembling voice. He also told me he assured her wife that he would feed the kids and would bring foods to home.

I bought them some snacks and fruits and asked them to stay nearby for a while. I watched the small kids were eating the foods voraciously and they had smiles on their face. I went to my class and told the whole story to my three close friends. Finally, we went to our class teacher and wrote an application regarding the suffering of the person and his family. The teacher permitted us to spend an hour to raise some money for the suffering family from other classes and we were so glad to have the permission.

We had been able to convey the sufferings of this person and his family to the students and teachers and we raised a significant amount of money which was beyond my expectation. With this money we bought some foods and clothes for this family and they were so grateful that the husband and wife started crying and praying for us. We gave the man the remaining amount and he had been able to start his work again.

About my feelings, I was very satisfied and contended. This is the first time I realised how enthralling and satisfying it is to help someone. I felt like blessed and the person and his wife revered me as if I was their dear one. In fact being able to help someone in need is something we can only feel and words can’t actually describe it.


地道用词:feed the kids


beyond my expectation

高分句型: The particular event that I would like to talk about was the time when I teach my friend and his family to feel the warmth of the world.

He had very little education and he mostly relied on the small shop he had to repair electronic goods. After a devastating cyclone, his small shop was demolished and he had no other income source or ability to rebuild it.

With this money we bought some foods and clothes for this family and they were so grateful that the husband and wife started crying and praying for us.

We had been able to convey the sufferings of this person and his family to the students and teachers and we raised a significant amount of money which was beyond my expectation.




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