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雅思口语题库Part2参考范文之:听音乐的场所(a place where people listen to music)

2018年02月16日15:19 来源:小站整理作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(6) 阅读(9411)
摘要:本文带来,雅思口语part2话题卡参考范文::听音乐的场所(a place where people listen to music),范文为高分考生原创,范文广泛适用于各位考鸭,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。

为大家带来雅思口语part2话题卡参考范文:听音乐的场所(Describe a place where people listen to music)。话题有关:在Ha Noi大街,当你来到这条街的时候,你可以有机会听各种类型的音乐,从流行音乐到摇滚音乐,再到免费的民歌。许多业余音乐家和歌手都有自己的音乐表演,而不关心别人会给他们多少钱。他们唱歌和演奏乐器主要是因为他们想唤起他们的激情,成为人们关注的焦点。友情提示:考生应该尽量避免传统的背诵套句或者是模版的口语学习方式,去学习口语范文中地道的词组搭配以及英美人士的思维方式,更加关注词组和逻辑思维两个层面。另外,就是要从扣题角度出发,看优秀范文如何从扣题的方面来展开口语话题。

Describe a place where people listen to music

Where is it?

How do you know this place?

How does it look like?

And explain how do you feel about this place?


雅思口语题库Part2参考范文之:听音乐的场所(a place where people listen to music)图1


2.主题:Ha Noi大街


One of the most interesting and well-known places where people can go to listen to the music in Ha Noi is definitely the Walking street, which is near Ho Guom lake on Hai Ba Trung district.

When coming to this street, you can have chances to listen to various genres of music, ranging from pop and rock music to folk songs free of charge. A lot of amateur musicians and singers have their music performances there without caring about how much money other people will voluntarily give them. They sing and play musical instruments mainly because they want to arouse their passion and be the centre of attention.

My friends and I usually wander around the Walking street on the weekend and we all blow my mind by how talented and skillful the artists are. Another thing that I love about this place is it can help me to get closer to the nature around Ho Guom lake and get a sense of transquility. Especially in the spring, when the weather is breezy and all flowers are in bloom, I prefer going for a walk around the lake, watch live music shows and inhale the pleasant scents of flowers, which allows me to put my feet up and recharge my battery after working my fingers to the bone.

If anyone asks me about places of interests in Ha Noi, I would definitely recommend them to visit the Walking street and enjoy a variety of music genres as well as fresh environment.




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