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2018年09月14日18:35 来源:小站整理作者:小站雅思编辑
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摘要:2018年9-12月的雅思口语part 2新题范文全面上线。本期话题是:Describe something given to you that you really need(描述一个你真正需要的物品),它是什么,谁给你的,为什么需要它,你觉得他怎么样。

2018年9-12月的雅思口语part 2话题及范文正式上线。本期话题:Describe something given to you that you really need(描述一个你真正需要的物品),对于这道题,重点是really need,考生可以将物品延伸到家庭,友谊,还有社交,或者运动,强调选择这些的原因和重要性。



Describe something given to you that you really need

You should say:

What it is

Who gave it to you

Why you need it

And how you felt about it


Mobile phone is very important to me. On the one hand, its entertainment functions such as movies, music can bring me a lot of fun, but also to spend boring time. On the other hand, it can contact my friends and family. When friends and family need help, they can contact me in time. On the contrary, if I have problems and troubles, I can tell them by phone.


The phone was gave by myself. During the summer vacation, I earned the first salary in my life by working for a restaurant. Many times, when you work late, you will encourage yourself to persist. Every day, when the task is finished,I am happy and feel that i am not far away from their mobile phones.


So this mobile phone is very important to me, not only because it can make my life and study more convenient and happy. What is more important is its significance. It tells me to insist on never giving up anything.




What things do young people like to buy?

Why do people buy things that are not necessary?

What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

Is consumption important to a country?

What things do young people like to buy?

For young people, many like to buy cell phones and clothing. Mobile phones can download the most popular songs and videos, relax andkill time. In addition, you can download the game, pass the boring time, and train your concentration.For young people who like to buy clothes, it not only can make themselves look better, but also help social skills and make more friends.


Why do people buy things that are not necessary?

On the one hand, many people buy things because they can relieve stress and make themselves happy. Therefore, they do not care much whether they are useful to themselves or more. Just like we spend money watching movies, we only enjoy visual enjoyment. On the other hand, people often buy things just for hobby, and then think it will be useful, so they buy this thing, and forget when to use it.


What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

As parents, first of all, children should not be allowed to have a mentality of comparison. This will affect their future development. Second, you need to let your child say why should buy it, how does it work, and let him analyze the function of it. Finally, parents decide whether to buy them through their children's presentations.


Is consumption important to a country?

Consumption is very important to a country. Consumption can drive economic development. When people buy a certain commodity, they will produce corresponding producers. These producers will hire a lot of people to make this product. When people work to make money, they can buy other products. In this way, the scale of producers will become larger, the number of employees will increase, and this economic cycle can expand employment and promote economic development.




relieve stress 释放压力

mentality of comparison攀比心理

absolutely hilarious绝对搞笑

corresponding 相关的

economic cycle 经济圈

promote 促进

以上就是小站雅思君为大家分享的2018年9-12月雅思口语part2新题:描述一个你真正需要的物品,更多雅思口语part 2话题范文,请继续关注小站雅思频道。



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