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2018年10月15日13:44 来源:小站整理
参与(3) 阅读(6100)


1. Who is your favourite celebrity in China?

Off the top of my head, I guess I would have to say it’s Jack Ma. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of him, but he’s the founder of Alibaba, and one of the most successful businessmen in the country. And I basically admire him for everything that he’s achieved, especially as I think he had to deal with a lot of rejection early on in his career. So yeah, I’d say he’s probably my favourite celebrity here in China.

从我的头顶,我想我得说是Jack Ma。我不确定你是否听说过他,但他是阿里巴巴的创始人,也是该国最成功的商人之一。我基本上钦佩他所取得的一切,尤其是我认为他在职业生涯早期必须面对很多拒绝。是的,我想他可能是我在中国最喜欢的名人。


2. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?

I don’t know actually, because obviously it would be nice to be adored everywhere you go, and have lots of VIP treatment travelling around the world. That would be quite nice! But I think there would be a lot of downsides as well, for example lack of privacy, the paparazzi. So I think all things considered, I probably wouldn’t want to be a celebrity.


3. Do you like reading about celebrities?

Yeah I do, but it also depends on the content, because I mean, pointless stuff about what they get up toin their private life doesn’t really interest me that much. But what does interest me is reading about how they became good at what they do, because I think there’s a lot that can be learnt from them.


4. Have you ever met a celebrity?

Um… I don’t actually think I have. It would be nice to, but up to now I can’t say that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting any! I mean, I’ve been to a few pop concerts and seen some famous singers perform, but I don’t think really counts, as I’ve never actually met a celebrity up close or shaken their hand or anything.



5. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

Yeah, without a doubt, cos I think privacy is something that everyone should have, regardless of who they are. So just because someone’s famous, I don’t think that gives us the right to go intruding into their private life!


6. How do celebrities influence their fans in China?

I’m not really that sure to be honest with you – I’ve never really thought about it! But I suppose one aspect could be the clothes they wear, you know, that’s probably likely to influence their fans choice of clothes to some extent. And uh... what else? Um.. oh yeah, I guess their general behavior may also have some kind of influence on their fans. So for example, if a celebrity conducts himself well, then it’s probably gonna rub off on his fans and have a positive effect on them, and vice versa.



Off the top of my head– implies that my opinion is without careful thought; 不经过仔细思考

So for example – 就比如说

Conduct – v. behave in a specified way

Rub off on… - 对 产生影响

Vice versa - 反过来也一样

Regardless of who they are– 不管他是谁

Intruding – 侵入


I don’t really think that counts– 我觉得这个不太算

Up close - at close range (at a close distance)

Content - 内容

Pointless - having little use or purpose

Get up to - do

Downside - 负面

Privacy - 隐私

Paparazzi - 狗仔队

All things considered - 从俄方面考虑




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