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1. Describe an important job in your country.

2. Describe a person (you know) who has an interesting job.

3. Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenager.

4. Describe a school friend you remember well.

5. Describe a foreign celebrity./famous foreigner you would like to meet.

6. Describe a popular band or singer in your country.

7. Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

8. Describe a sports person who did well in the match./a sport star you like.

9. Describe a family member who you spend the most time with./a close family member./old person you admire.

10. Describe the first foreign country you want to go. (an interesting country)

11. Describe a place (that you visited) far away from your home.

12. Describe a place in the world that you would like to travel to at the first time.

13. Describe a city that you have visited (hat left an impression on you)

14. Describe a historic building that you visited.

15. Describe a long journey that you had/enjoyed.

16. Describe a place you visited to learn another culture.

17. Describe a school you attended in your childhood.

18. Describe a beautiful place you would like to have a home.

19. Describe a book read recently./a magazine you enjoyed.

20. Describe something you bought but don’t often use.

21. Describe a problem with an equipment that you can’t solve.

22. Describe something that you have shared with others.

23. Describe the first cellphone you had used.

24. Describe a souvenir which you think is very interesting./something special you brought home from a holiday.

25. Describe a handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives.(handcraft)

26. Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know.

27. Describe a TV or radio program that you sometimes talk about with your family or friends.RS

28. Describe a prize you would like to win.

29. Describe an indoor game(not about sports) in your childhood.

30. Describe something your friend did that you admire./describe one of your friends'success that you are proud of.

31. Describe a family celebration you have attended/wedding.

32. Describe an occasion you helped your neighbor.

33. Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from others.

34. Describe a project that you were once involved in (for example, a project at work or a homework assignment at school or university).

35. Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a company or shop.

36. Describe something you did which was a waste of time.

37. Describe something/an activity you do to (help you) stay healthy.

38. Describe a meal you invited others to your home or restaurant.

39. Describe an interesting conversation you had with other people.

40. Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam.

41. Describe a situation when you received some useful advice.

42. Describe an occasion that you waited for someone.

43. Describe a time you were away from home.

44. Describe something you did with a group of people./a group activity you took part in.

45. Describe something you would like to learn but haven't/can't now.

   46. Describe a good habit from your friend that you want to develop.

47. Describe another language that you would like to learn(except English) .

48. Describe a foreign film that you like.

49. Describe a useful/good law in your country.

50. Describe something special that you saved money to buy.

51. Describe a positive experience in your teenage time.

52. Describe an antique or some other old object in your family.

53. Describe an interesting animal.


1. Nowadays, anyone can post information in the Internet. Some people say that the information is inaccurate. Do you agree or disagree?

2. Creative artists should be supported financially by government of their county rather than find financial support in other sources. Do you agree or disagree?

3. Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right from wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Nowadays, people all over the world are watching foreign films much more than locally produced films. Why do you think it is the case? Should government give more financial support to local film industry?

5. It is the best way for a country to prepare for the future to invest more resources for its young people. How true do you think it is the case? What is the best way to invest the resources to the young people?

6. Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the customer. Why do you think it is the case? Is it a positive or negative trend?

7. Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security, while other people think one should find a permanent job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.







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