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• Do you agree that weather will affect people?

Yeah, I do agree on that. If it’s shiny and warm, people definitely will have a good mood and be happy and energetic, you know there’s nothing more important than a good mood in your everyday life. But if it’s a drizzle and extremely cold weather, people would rather choose to stay at home and don’t feel like doing anything.

Leisure time 新题

• What kind of games do you think is suitable for parents and their children?

From my point of views, I think games that require team-work are the most suitable for parents and kids, such as ball games or making a puzzle. During the games parents and kids can build up a high sense of cooperation while promote their relationship and intimacy.

• Did you spend more time in sleeping compared to the present situation?(P)

I don’t think so, cuz I used to sleep a lot back in college, although we had kinda a heavy school work, but it still wouldn’t affect my adequate sleeping hours. Since I started working, I need to get up early every morning to make sure that I arrived at work on time, and during the night I gotta learn something that is work-related to improve my work competence and stay up late at night.

Major 新题

• Do you think your major is hard to study?why?

Well, I was majored in accounting back in school, and I do believe it a really hard-to-learn subject. Not to mention the endless and redundant balance sheets and leger account, you still have to deal with many sophisticated statistics and number which for me is a headache issue.

Collection 全新题

• Do you like to collect things?why?

I think I am a heavy collector, since I was a young boy I start to collect different stuff. Among all, the vintage tennis racquets are my favorite. I think during collecting things , you will be able to know a lot background knowledge and the development of such thing.

• What kind of collection is popular in China? By which way?

As far as I know , collecting stamps is one of the universal collection hobby here in China. Every year, the national post office will release a series of classic stamps, people will line up to buy these stamps, otherwise, they will just stroll around the stamp market to find whatever they fancy.

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