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雅思口语part 1部分话题补充及问题答案(第三期)

自1月份换新题以来,口语part 1部分一直在扩充,其实给类TOPIC的语料都是一通百通的,与其去花大把时间准备些边边角角的问题,不如针对一个话题整体提高自己的语料储备,以下就是小站精心收集的关于各个话题的问题,希望能帮助大家提高硬实力

学习教育类☆ Did you like reading books when you were little?

It depends on what book it was. For example, if books contained many colourful pictures and funny word, like cartoon book, I was quite interested in them, because they were easy for me to understand what they were talking about. However, it was a trying experience for me if I read books with some deep concept or abstract theme.

What were your favorite kinds of books?

Usually, my favourite kinds of books were children‘s cartoon books. I especially liked the books that taught me something true in life by a funny story. By reading those books, I can not only have fun but also actually gain some knowledge.

What kind of books do you like these days?

Well, nowadays, I prefer to read biography [bai‘?ɡr?fi]. After I graduate, I am not a student any more. I have to find a job. I have to start my career life. I want to become a successful business man in the future. So I think biography can tell me some recipes of success behind those successful men and provide me some useful guidance in life. It is worth learning.

What‘s your favorite subject at school? Can you tell me something about it?

my favourite subject is accounting. It is a subject that tells people how to classify different transaction and record them in the most efficient way. It can be served as a financial tool for people to evaluate investments. Maybe some people may think accounting is boring. In fact, it isn‘t. you know, no matter what people do, they cannot avoid thinking about something in relation to accounting, like balancing benefits and costs, concerning about the tax issue.

☆ Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate?

Yes I think so. As a matter of fact, regardless of different economic environment and different business structure, managers always need a qualified accountant to help them make financial statement, such as balance sheet, cash flow statement and profit and loss statement. Also, the managers require an accountant to cope with the tax issue and the auditing issue. Therefore, I think as long as you are qualified, you can easily find a job.

Do you prefer to study alone or to study with other students? / Do you prefer team work or working alone?

(Team work is more efficient and can really be more effective as well. But when I work alone it seems like I tend to be more focused. So I guess it just depends on what kind of work it is and what kind of people I work with :D)

It depends. If I have a big assignment, I prefer to study with other students. Under that circumstance, team work is usually more effective and efficient because we can share our own opinion and summarise some useful points. But if I am going to have a final exam, I prefer to study alone. I can become more focused and follow my review plan with any distraction

What kinds of tools or instruments you use at school?

(things like PCs, test tubes, projectors and digital recorders…)

commonly, we use computers, projectors, overhead, digital recorders, printing machine, copy machine and something like that.

How should children improve their handwriting? (They can imitate nice examples of handwriting before developing their own style. And of course they should practice more and try not to type everything……)


What‘s your favorite dish?

Well, my favorite dish is stir fry king prawn with onions. It is not difficult to cook. Also, it is quite nutritious because it combines meat and vegetable. If you add some XO sauce, it will be tastier.

Who is the best cook among the people around you?

Of course, my mother, she is an expert in cooking. No matter what dishes she cooks, they are always delicious. That is not only because she has been cooking for at least twenty years, but also because she cooks with her whole-heart. You know, cooking is an art as well as a matter of practice. That is why I think my mother is the best cook among the people around me.

Who cooks in your family? Who does the cooking in your family?

Well, usually my mother does most of the cooking in my family. Sometimes my father takes the role when she is ill or away. When I came here, I learn cooking by myself and gradually become confident and experienced in cooking. I look forward to cooking for them when I am back home.

Do you cook?

Yes, I do. Since I came here, I have been on my alone (all by myself)。 I don‘t have anyone to cook for me. Also, my budget is quite limited. I couldn’t afford to eat outside every meal. I have no choice but to learn to cook by myself.

Is it necessary for everyone to learn to cook? Why?

Yes for sure. Cooking is an essential skill for everyone. Yes, of course people can eat out all the time, but if they are able to cook, they can not only save money but also eat more healthily and enjoy a fun of cooking.

☆ What‘s your favorite food? What're your favorite kinds of fruit and vegetables?

(stuff like oranges and tomatoes, coz they're pretty juicy and ……they look cute, …… mouthwatering!)

My favourite food is tomato. It is quite juicy and nutritious because it contains a lot of vitamin C and fibrin. Also, it is a healthy food. It helps people to digest. It is also said that eating tomato can help prevent heart disease and cancer.

Do you prefer to have meals at home or eat out?

Well it depends. Usually I prefer to have meals at home because I can save money and eat more healthily. But if I am tired of cooking or tired from work or study, I will eat out.

How often do you eat out?

It depends. Usually I cook by myself because I can eat healthily and save money. But if I am busy studying especially during exam period, I prefer to eat out for every meal. It can save time.

Do you like home-cooked food?

Yes, I like it very much. When we cook at home, only the best and freshest ingredients are used. That means we can eat healthily. Also, we can personalize our own meal. I like eating something sweet, while my father enjoys eating something salty. Therefore, when cooking, we can easily adjust flavoring and make every one eat with satisfaction.

Do you think all family members should learn how to cook?


☆ 关于煮饭

My mother is very capable in the kitchen and understands how to cook hundreds of traditional dishes.

She taught me how to mix various ingredients in different proportions and produce different flavours

I wouldn‘t say I am especially competent in cooking

I cook for myself frequently in order to save money

Cooking can give me a sense of satisfaction

Cooking is a terrific way to regulate my eating habits and get creative in ordinary life.

☆ 关于本国主食

The staple food for most Chinese is rice. It can match any dish and it can be easily flavored with various ingredients. But in northern part of china, people may consume more wheat-based foods like noodles and steamed buns.

☆ 关于垃圾食物

Junk food is perceived to have little or no nutritional value. They are high in fats

It has some ingredients considered unhealthy when people eat regularly. If eating often, it will lead to obesity and heart disease.

Common junk foods include snack foods (chips, crisps), candy, and fried fast food.

☆ 天气季节类

What‘s your favorite kind of weather?

My favourite kind of weather is a sunny day with gentle breeze. Whenever I see sunny weather, it always helps me have positive thoughts and make me full of spirit and energy. To my mind, sunny day is always a nice time to go out for recreation, like travelling, shopping, and partying.

Do you like places with four seasons or has the same weather all year round?

Well, I love places with four distinct seasons because different seasons give me different feelings. For example, when spring comes, it becomes warm and windy. Flowers are in bloom and birds starts to sing a song. It always keeps me hopeful and energetic. For summer, it is hot and sunny, which make me full of enthusiasm.


☆ 关于天气与家乡

The winter in my hometown is pretty mild so that my hometown is pretty warm all year around.

☆ 关于天气与心情

But I can‘t stand muggy wealth

It is not the heat, it is the humidlity.

Overcast weather (阴天) gives me a bad mood

Also I feel upset when it pours [p?:] (下大雨)

Sunny day always keeps me hopeful while gloomy day make me feel upset.

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