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物品类热点题,新题(part 3)

What kind of trees are planted in the place you live in?

I live in the downtown area of shanghai, the only trees near my place is the typical Phoenix trees along two sides of the road which can keep the passengers sheltered from(遮蔽)the sunshine in summer,and in autumn, when the leaves begin to go, it will create a feast of view (视觉盛宴)of fallen red leaves for people to enjoy.

What kind of trees do you like?

Personally, I do fancy the coco tree cuz it reminds me of the tropical weather (热带天气)and the beach side. I can imagine myself sitting under a big umbrella, holding a cup of coconut juice with a little umbrella on that, watching the ocean rolling in (看潮起潮落)and getting a bit tanned (晒黑)in the meantime.

What kind of trees are famous in china?

From my personal perspective, I do believe the pine trees are the most famous trees in china cuz it symbolized(象征) the very perseverant(坚持不懈的) and iron spirit(钢铁般的意志) of Chinese people, the pine trees survive the cold winter and get stronger, so as the Chinese people, we been through a tough warring and colonized time(被殖民时期) and finally embrace a time of prosperity and happiness.


Maple 枫树

Pine 松树

Cypress 柏树

Bamboo 竹子

Poplar 白杨

Willow 垂柳

Birch 白桦

Coco 椰树

Ginkgo 银杏树


Eucalyptus 桉树

Camphor tree 樟树

Rosewood 紫檀

Oak 橡树

Sycamore 美国梧桐树

Phoenix tree 中国梧桐

Beech 山毛榉

Oil palm 油棕榈
