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双语阅读:10家极致餐厅 景色美到让你忘记吃饭!


The Rock, Zanzibar, Tanzania


It would probably be hard to find a more breath-taking location than the one hosting this small restaurant in Zanzibar. The Rock, as its name might imply, is positioned on a rock in the middle of the Indian Ocean, offering its guest a special panoramic view on the ocean and the coasts of the small Eastern-African Island. On low tide, the visitors of the restaurant can reach it by foot, whilst on high tide they could use the boat services offered by the restaurant, unless they fancy a swim.


GrottaPalazzese, Puglia, Italy


The GrottaPalazzese restaurant, Situated at the bottom floor of the GrottaPalazzese Hotel in the Bari region in southern Italy, is opened for public only during the summer times. The reason is quite obvious- the restaurant, carved inside a limestone cave viewing the Adriatic Sea, just a few feet above sea level, could be rather cold in wintery days.


Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Rangali Island, Maldives


If you are suffering from a serious case of Thalassophobia (fear of the sea) this next restaurant might not be your first choice for a nice dinner with your loved ones. The Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, located 16 feet below the surface in the Rangali Island of the Maldives, is the closest you will get to eating at the bottom of the sea, with a frontline view to the inspiring sights of the depth of the ocean.


The White Rabbit, Moscow, Russia


The White Rabbit restaurant is located on the 16th floor of Smolensky Passage, a business center in the heart of Moscow, under a beautiful panoramic glass dome that view some of the city’s most monumental sights. Next to the trendy décor and the amazing view, the restaurant is reinventingthe traditional Russian cuisine, taking it to a whole new level.


Treepod dining, KohKood, Thailand


Imagine having a dinner at the top of a treehouse, somewhere in the middle of a tropical forest, while the trained waiters slide to your luxurious, comfortable nest on special cords above a frightening abyss. No need to imagine, because this is exactly what awaits you in the Treepod Dining experience in the KohKood Island on eastern Thailand.


Sierra Mar, Big Sur, California, USA

Sierra Mar餐厅,美国,加利福尼亚

From its wooden lodging atop the cliffs of Big Sur, California, The Sierra Mar restaurant offers more than just breathtaking views. The fine cuisine offered by Chef John Cox, is just one of the bright spots in the beautiful Post Ranch Inn, the restaurant is located in, and integrating beautifully with the wild nature it is based in.

Sierra Mar餐厅位于美国加利福尼亚州大苏尔的一处悬崖上,这里不仅有令人窒息的美景,更有由厨师约翰·考克斯做出的顶级美食。

Sunset da Mona Lisa, Baja California Sur, Mexico


From the southest point of Baja California Sur, Sunset da Mona Lisa invites you to enjoy its beautiful shores and the hot Mexican sun while enjoying classic European cuisine. The restaurant features pastoral ponds next to local cacti, but the jewel in the crown is, of course, the endless seas of the Pacific Ocean.


Ali Barbour’s Cave Restaurant, Ukunda, Kenya


Ever wanted to eat in an 180,000 years old cave? Just take the next bus to the Ali Barbour restaurant, only 18 miles south to the city of Mombasa in Kenya. The restaurant is located inside the prehistoric cave, which was kept in its natural form by the adventurous restaurateurs.


La View Restaurant, Bali, Indonesia


While you are already in the neighborhood, why not enjoying the views of the Indonesian forests from another beautiful point of view in the La View Restaurant, an intimate fusion restaurant, which serves south-east Asian cuisine infused by the traditional French culinary art.


Blu Bar on 36, Sydney, Australia

Blu Bar酒店,澳大利亚,悉尼

The famous Blu Bar is located in the 36 floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Sydney, overlooking a panoramic view of the city. Unlike the other restaurants in this list, the Blu Bar is actually a bar, but we just couldn’t ignore it. From the heights of the reputed establishment, you could see the whole city spread at your feet, its lights flickering at your eyes, leaving you at the top of the world.

著名的Blu Bar酒店位于悉尼香格里拉酒店的第36层,从这可以看到整个城市的全貌。与其他特色酒店不同,Blu Bar酒店实际上是一家酒吧,但它是个不能错过的地方。站在这里,你能看到整个悉尼,有种站在世界之巅的感觉。

