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1. 老题重现:大多数时候出现的新题并不是全新的题目,而是以前曾经考过但是已经被“雪藏”了一段时间的题目。由于大部分考生对于考试关注的时间不长,所以往往会误会这些题目是“新题。”其实他们是大家的老朋友。

2. 老题翻新:不少题目经过一定程度的改头换面重新出现在大家的视野中,例如由“weather”发散而来的“rain”等。

3. 全新题目:这些题目是雅思出题方新增的题目,不在题库中,也没有改换一说,例如今年考查的“shoes”就属于这一大类。


一:Part 1解析

Part 1新题:

Part 1是考生开场的第一个环节,对于考生奠定良好的分数基础尤为重要,以下是2014年1月、5月及9月的三次话题更替及每个话题的考试周期。

Part 1新题汇总:

其中全新的题目其实只有Dictionary, Street Markets及Shoes三个,剩余题目均为老题重现和老题翻新。

Part 1考题频率及规律:

Part 1 必考话题:这三个话题可谓“千年不变”:Your Work/ Your Studies, Your Hometown及Your Accommodation,不论换题与否都是考生必考的内容。

Part 1全年高频话题:2014年出现了一批高频选考话题,连续一年持续出现在考生的视野中,他们是:Animals, Computers, Weather and Climate, Television, Leisure Time, Dictionaries, Music, Photography 及Shopping这9个话题。从这几个高频题目中不难看出雅思口语Part 1的题目依然以“主题范围广,分支多”为主要考查思想。所以考生在 Part 1的备考过程中尤其不能以点概面,草率复习。Part 1当中其实充斥着不少冷门题目,例如:dictionary, animal 等。

Part 1连考话题:2014年有16个话题为连考话题,其中 Cooking, Clothes, Rain, Languages, Punctuality及Train Travel这6个话题从2014年1月 起开考至2014年8月结束,连考8个月。另有 Museums and Art Galleries, Maps, Parks\Gardens, Gifts, Noise, Street Markets, Cars, Concentration 及Food这9个话题则从2014年5月开始考查至2014年12月,连考8个月。针对这些题目,不难发现雅思口语考试的题库变化也是有一定规律可循的。


Part 1单季话题:在2014年第一次换题季中,包括 Sport, Bicycles, Entertainment, History, Parties, Plants, Politeness, Relatives, Singing, Sunshine, The News 及Walking在内的12个话题只在1-4月进行了考查。Neighbours及Toys这两个话题则只在5-8月进行了考查。另 外,Colours, Sport, First Day in School, Friends, Housework, Nature\Countryside, Public Transportation, Shoes 及Time这9个话题则只在9-12月做了考查。

综上所述,2014年全年共有52个Part 1话题。各位考生如果同时参考2013年全年话题回顾并关注2015全年考题回顾一定会发现更多的规律。

2014年雅思口语Part 1题目频率及换题规律一览表

二:Part 2解析
Part 2新题:

虽然雅思口语考试的难度随着Part 1, Part 2及Part 3的推进属于依次递增的关系。但是大部分学生依然觉得雅思口语的Part 2是他们最为头疼的部分。Part 2题库中的题目数量庞大,很难做到将每道题目都进行练习,这让学生对于连续1-2分钟的独白产生了很大的恐惧心理。另外,Part2没有必考题目,所以题目都有被换掉的可能,这样给学生的备考心理造成了莫名的压力。

因此,按照分类掌握Part2题目的趋势就显得特别的重要。Part2每月的考题基本维持在60-70道之间,下图将通过罗列新题来总结2014雅思口语考试Part 2的考情。

通过上表可以发现,2014年1月共有22道Part 2新题,5月则出现17道新题,9月有23道新题出现,基本维持在33.3%左右的换题比例。

Part 2频率及规律解析:

笔者将以解题思路将雅思口语Part 2分为五个大的部分,并为广大考生分别解析它们的趋势。

人物题:在2014年全年的话题卡中占比一直呈现下降的趋势,从15%一路降至12%,最后变成9%。主要是因为人物题这个大类别的考查中心从普通 人逐步转移至名人,导致大量题目被划归至媒体题下,例如:A singer, Someone who has an interesting job及 A handsome/beautiful person等,因此人物题的占比相对一直在缩小。

地点题:在2014年全年的雅思口语Part 2考题中,地点题这个大类较为稳定,全年三次换题都不影响它的考查。虽然5月换题时有小的波动,但是 9月换题时地点题的占比还是回升至26%,比起年初有一个不小的反弹。地点题在所有话题卡中所占的频率一直维持在20%-26%之间徘徊,所以考生遇到地点题的可能性基本不变。其中出现的老题重现有:A city That You Visited, A building等。

媒体题:因为大量与名人相关的话题涌入,媒体题在年初8%的出题频率上翻了一倍,直接在5月换题后达到了16%的题目占比。新增题目包 括:A book that you like to read, A magazine, A foreign film等。本大类是今年所有话题类型中升幅最大的。

物品题:全年最稳定的题目非物品题莫属,和地点题一样,物品题的话题占比基本在23%-26%之间,浮动范围低于3%。考生遇到的频率几乎每月 都保持一致,是比较稳定的题型。物品题当中出现了几道老题重现,例如:A good law。但是也出现了今年少有的几道全新考题,例 如:Your first cellphone以及Something you bought but not used very often等。

事件题:与人物类题目类似,事件题也呈现出明显的下降趋势,题目占比从年初的31%降至26%,主要也是由换题所致。但是后半年的物品题相对比较稳定,没有出现大的浮动,话题占比一直维持在26%。老题重现几率高,如:An indoor activity。

以下三张饼状图展示了Part 2五个话题大类的题目占比和变化趋势。



对考生的建议:在准备雅思口语第一部分期间建立各个话题的语料库,第一部分每次换题后会出现三十多种话题,每个话题都要准备一些基本的表达,表达的角度可以根据题目的要求从描述,分类,益处,弊端,个人偏好等方面进行整理分类。第二部分的话题卡在准备过程中要注意素材的收集,建议大家最好能把题库中所有的题目按照题目下面的小问题列出大概的作答提纲并根据提纲补充相应的表达,练习过程中注意不同时态之间转换的精准度,大家可以通过录音的方式达到提高对题目的熟练程度和自我更正目的。对于雅思口语想考到 6.5 分的考试生,第三部分一定要给与足够的重视,首先,第三部分的问题形式和内容都相对比较灵活,对于大家的口语思维是很大的挑战。想在第三部分给考官一个好印象并最终提高口语总分,建议大家平时多关注一些国外的播客或者原版网络公开课,在了解完课程内容后记下关键词并且对课程内容进行复述,对口语第三部分不论是内容还是语言都会有本质的提高。



附上part2 2015年1-4月雅思口语真题中的新题

1. An ambition

Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet

You should say:

What it is

How long you had it

Why you have it

and explain why you want to achieve it

2. How to be friendly

Describe a person you don’t like but have to be friendly to

You should day:

When and where it happened

Why do don’t like him or her

Who the person is

And explain why you must be friendly to him or her

3. A good news

Describe a good news from TV or internet

You should say

When you heard about the news

What this news was about

How you got this new

And explain why you think it was a good news

4. Good at cook

Describe a person who is good at cook

You should say:

Who the person is

What the person it

What the person cook

How he/she learnt it

And explain why you think he/she is good at cook

5. Someone didn’t tell you the whole truth

Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth

You should say:

What situation it was

Who told you

What he/she told you

And explain why he/she lied

6. An exciting sport

Describe an exciting sport you would like to do in the future

You should say:

What the sport is

How you knew about it

How difficult it was

Explain why you think it is exciting

7. A place full of colour

Describe a place you remember which is full of colour

You should say:

Where the place is

What you did there

Why you went there

And explain why this place is full of colour

8. An unusual building

Describe an unusual building

You should say:

What building it was

When you went there

Why you went there

And explain why you think this building is unusual

9. A subject you interested in now

Describe a subject you didn’t like it before but interested in now

You should say:

The subject is

Why you learn it

Why you didn’t like it before

And explain why you like it now

10. An interested website

Describe an interesting website you have used

You should say:

What contents it has

How and when you found it

How often you visit this website

And explain why you think it is interesting

11. A good leader

Describe a friend you know who is a good leader

You should say:

Who the person it

How you know this person

What this person does

What this person does

And explain why you think the person is a good leader

12. An occasion you lost your way

Describe an occasion you lost your way

You should say:

When you got lost

Where you lost your way

Why you lost your way

And explain how you find the way

13. A family member you want to work with

Describe a family member you want to work with

You should say:

Who he/she it

What kind of person he/she is

If you had worked together he/she is

If you had worked together before

And explain why you think he/she is good at cook

14. Something you want to buy

Describe something you want to buy in the future

You should say:

What the thing is

What the thing look like

If it is expensive

And explain why you want to buy it

15. A short trip

Describe a short trip you have been on and want to do it again

You should say:

Where it is

Why you went before

How long you stayer there

And explain why you want to go there again

16. Something interesting form the internet

Describe something interesting that you learnt from the internet

You should say:

What it is

Which website you learnt it from

How you learnt it

And explain why it was interesting

17. A film you want to watch again

Describe a film you want to watch again

You should say:

What the film is

Where you saw the film

When you saw the film

And explain why you want to watch it again

18. A surprise

Describe a surprise you have

You should say:

When and where it happened

Why you were surprised

Who gave this surprise to you

And explain why you felt about it afterwards?

19. A happy family even

Describe a happy family even when you are a child

You should say:

What the event was

What and where it happened

Who was with you

And explain why feel it was happy

20. A historical place

You should say

Where it is

What it looks like

What you can do there and explain why you like it

【雅思口语技巧】先声夺人 如何在口语身份确认中博得考官好感?