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图说英国:royal baby

同许多其他伟大的国家一样,英国也是一个被人重度吐槽的国家一些人的吐槽:a.一头特立独行沾沾自喜冷艳高贵同时保持了低级趣味的猪。 b. 在英国,70%%u4E0A过大学的男生都上过大学男生。 c. 漫长的秋冬和大姨妈一样下不大又割不断的阴雨。 d.世界上最薄的两本书,一本叫美国历史,一本叫英国菜谱。e.美国人经常吐槽的就是英国人的客气、讽刺和“转弯抹角”(understatement)。

炸鱼薯条,足球流氓,NHS,下午茶,英伦风,大本钟,皇室,上世纪的戴安娜与现在的凯特,拽拽的伦敦腔,神探夏洛克与哈利波特。即使从The empire on which sun never sets沦落到the obedient American cousin,英国从未失去她迷人矜持的外表。请跟随着图片,慢慢读懂英国。

They were greeted by cheers when they emerged from the hospital door.

The newborn was wrapped in a shawl and wearing a bonnet.(词汇newborn, shawl, bonnet)

The royal couple and their new baby emerged to banks of photographers outside the Lindo Wing.(词汇ban)
凯特在圣玛丽医院的私人产房“林都院区”(Lindo Wing)分娩。圣玛丽医院是一家非常知名的医院,与英国王室颇有渊源,当年戴安娜王妃就是在这家医院生下威廉王子和哈利王子。

The duke returned minutes later with Prince George, about to see his sister for the first time.

They joined some well-wishers who had spent days waiting for the new royal.(词汇wellwisher)

Staff at the Diana Cafe near Kensington Palace in London celebrated the new baby's arrival.

What will the name be? Bookmakers are offering odds on a number of options.(bookmaker 博彩庄)

The BT Tower in central London carried a special message marking the announcement.
英国电信塔(BT Tower)也被称为邮政局大楼(Post Office Tower)是英国电信集团所拥有的通讯塔,它于1964年7月封顶。最初BT Tower受邮政总局委托,作为英国电信公司的微波网络来支持伦敦与其他地区的电信通信。电信塔因为通信天线的要求,在建造上选择了狭窄圆柱形状。BT Tower可谓是伦敦非常突出的地标之一。

The fountains in Trafalgar Square turned pink to commemorate the birth of the new princess.(词汇commemorate)

The Royal Navy sent a special greeting from the flight decks of HMS Lancaster.

图说英国:royal dogs,二战老兵及其他
图说英国:selfie election