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雅思口语素材大搜集:童年之bad childhood memory

I am one of those kids that always made the best of theirs lives just being kids, in a carefree world, playing games like tag, hide and seek, and games that you make up for the fun of it.

bad childhood memory

1.善意的谎言 father’s white lie

My father once lied to me when I was 10 and said the dog ran away instead of he died.
His name is Blitz. Our dad brought him home in a 2X2 cardboard box. We looked at him, he looked up at us. He stuck out a tongue in that lopsided grin of his. It was mutual love at first sight. We'd play catch in the garden. Our dad would unfailingly take him out for a walk every day, and one of our favourite childhood past-times was picking the ticks from his fur and squishing them with a delightful pop. He was a member of our family, an ever-willing playmate, and our vigilant guardian.
I spent a month looking for him every day when he went missing. Riding my bicycle everywhere and actually putting myself in danger a few times. I couldn't understand why my parents weren't looking for him too. Why they weren't putting up posters, why we didn't go the police, kennels, anywhere. I felt terrible about my dog being out there, lost, alone, in danger. After a month of this my father finally came clean that Blitz actually died of a car accident. I hated my parents for lying. I hated them so much that the hate overwhelmed the sense of loss. I'm 28 years old. I still remember this like yesterday.
Now when I look back, I know something more about my dad that, the rock that he is, never let on about how much he had been affected by Blitz's death. Only now do I realize why none of Blitz's photos remain, and why he refuses to have another dog to this day. Also I think the death of pets is a way for children to come to an understanding of death. That's important. People they love are going to die over time. Pets dying first is a good way to prepare them for that.

2.受伤An unattended injury

My worst memory? Well I tend to forget the really bad ones and can't recall them until something in particular dredges it up...then I can't wait to bury them again.
At the moment the worst one I can recall now is an injury at the beach. I was 12 and it was school holidays, when kids came to stay in nearby houses. I always made the best of it as it was the only time I ever got to play with other children.
We were in the water running and this other kid elbowed me. He bent my little finger back and the next to as well. There was this sort of funny sound and it hurt like hell and I fell over head first into the water and couldn't get back up as all I could think of was the pain. I eventually got up and stumbled home, bawling my eyes out, which being 12 I rarely did.
It had barely started to swell by the time I got home, so my father said "Shut up and stop being a drama queen". Mum sent me to my room to quieten down. Well the next day, my entire hand was bruised black, the veins were sticking out and it was swollen like a mitten, right down to my wrist.
It was bruised for a month and about 2 months before I could move the fingers without pain. No doctor. Mum gave me a piece of ripped sheet to tie it up with. With the humidity of summer, it's flared up again so I pretty much can't forget it because it hurts like hell.
I mentioned it to my mother the other night on the phone and she said "Well if it hurts, why don't you go to the doctor?"

3. 校园欺凌getting bullied at school

School was hard for me socially because people felt I was ugly. Whether or not I was is irrelevant: All that should have mattered was who I was.
The fact some kids would pick fights with me.
In seventh grade, I put down my glasses to eat lunch, someone pulled a trick on me and someone stole my glasses and did something with it. I didn't get them back, and I was in trouble when I got home.
When I was in 7th grade, I got kick from behind up stairs, and flew down. I hurt my head really bad, but luckily, I was conscious. Someone in 8th grade was sweet enough to make sure I was alright. I was crying from the bad headache.
People in the 7th grade thought it was funny. Whenever someone picked a fight with me, I was NEVER the first to hit or hurl insults, but everyone always thought I started it first.
In 8th grade, for 8th grade party at school, we went to the town's aqua center. I had gone in too deep of water and not realized it. I was struggling to get back up, and someone dived in to save me. Kids were still laughing at me.

4.父母的恫吓的爱mother’s scare tactics

When I didn’t want to do as I was told, my mom would say, "If you don’t do it I won’t love you." she didn’t know that that statement would mentally scare me, but it did. I used to have dreams about my mom turning around and walking away from me on the street. She would say, “I’m not going to be your mommy anymore. I don’t love you." and I would call for her to come back, but she wouldn’t. She would leave me crying my eyes out on the street. I would wake up crying almost every night. She never meant for anything bad to happen to me. I love my mom she’s the best. She just didn’t know what she was saying. If I had told her that she was hurting me she would have stopped, but I didn’t. And I never will because it would really hurt her to hear that.

5. 一次对他人的拒绝a flat refusal

This is really weird, but when I was about 8 I took my 2 year old cousin to the park. This little boy holding a basketball, a bit younger than me, came up and asked me if I wanted to play a game with him. He looked super nervous and kept glancing back at his dad. It seemed like he rehearsed the whole thing. I felt bad for him and wanted to play but was worried my 2 year old cousin couldn’t follow along, and I had to watch her. I told him that and he looked so devastated. He went back to his dad and his dad hugged him and everything. Whenever I tell that story, people laugh, but I still feel so guilty about it sometimes. I feel so horrible and ashamed, my chest hurts and I cant see clearly.

6.失去一位朋友 lose a friend

I had a friend who was extremely depressed. He felt as though everyone hates him. He had made up lies basically to get attention. Even after he has admitted it and apologized, everyone deemed him a liar and talked about him behind his back. He feels the need to put so much pressure on himself and takes on so many responsibilities, it’s suffocating him. Yesterday, he had a complete mental breakdown and wasn’t in school today.
I talked to him now and then, and he said he felt no emotion and wanted to move as far away as possible. This friend was a 13-year-old in middle school. I had known him for at least 4 years. He just steadily declined into this depressed shell of what was once a kind, likeable person. He cared so much, yet he wouldn’t seek help for himself. I was one of the only people he confided in, and I was really the only person who stood up for him. I’d been helping him and guiding him and giving him advice, but so often did I run out of means. And suddenly one day, our headmaster told us he transferred and his family moved to another city. I hate it that he didn’t tell me and since then we have lost contact.

7. 失去上学动力lose motivation for school

I lost all my motivation for school, and every day is a long one.
Alright, so it had been probably two years since I started experiencing this. First, I became just a mediocre student. I didn’t feel like excelling, and it has been the same way for nearly 3 years. It was not like I failed my subjects, but I could do better. I missed school at least once a week and stayed at home.
I was a 13-year-old guy, and I really didn’t know why I was acting like this. I wanted to go back to where I was. I felt it must be my school or something, and I was sick of it. I don’t get bullied or anything. But I went from having lots of friends, and then it narrowed down to just me. And finally I was sort of a loner. I felt like there was such a negative energy in the whole school — and that was also another reason for this — but I didn’t want to change schools. It was just the first year of middle school, I wanted to hold on.
Every day at school become a bit of ordeal for me. I used to stare at the clock on the wall like a rock all day, and all the laughter and talk around me had nothing to do with me. But though it was hard and slow, anyway I succeeded in getting through that period of confusion and inaction. And you know what the cure was, I fell head over heels in love for a girl, despite an undisclosed one. but that was another story.

8. 社交恐惧 social embarrassment

For a long time, I’ve had a difficult time talking to people like adults, or even my female classmates, and the reason is this. If I was talking to someone like a teacher, and they began to yell at me for not having finished an assignment, or not having done something that they asked, my face turned red. When I say red, I mean that my face became numb, and I couldn’t speak; I thought it was due to embarrassment or shock. I always wanted to know if there was a way to get rid of this feeling, so I didn’t freeze up every time I heard something offensive. I tried very hard to keep it a secret from my parents for nearly 3 years until my headmaster in 8th grade had an extended talk with my mother about my school life. My secret is busted, and the baggage I carried for so long gradually unloaded by a therapist’s tender and warm advice. When I looked back, I feel how stupid I am to take it too seriously and bottle it up in my mind for so long, without seeking help.
