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1. 小小科学探险 Our own little science expedition.

When I was a kid, we used to go creek slogging all the time. My buddies and I would pick an entry point, slip down the banks into the creek, and follow it as far as we could. We'd examine everything we found along the way, from tires to tadpoles, and discuss it at length. In the summer, we'd walk through nearly-dry creek beds and through the blackberry brambles to find the few deep pools left after the rain stopped. In the rainy season, we'd be scrambling along rocks and around tree roots to avoid the swift, muddy water and one of us would invariably fall in and be wet to his navel (or hers).

When we got back, our pants and shoes and socks would be covered in black muck, algae, and clay, so we'd strip down to our underpants and leave our soggy clothes in a heap at the front door. We'd huddle around the table bare-legged, and we'd take turns looking up the bugs we found in the bug book, the fish in the fish book, and everything else in the encyclopedia or one of my dad's plant books. We'd debate over the particular kind of flies, duckweed, etc., argue over whether it's "crayfish" or "crawdad".

2.爬树 Climbing trees.

When I was little we used to lived in a house with a big backyard and many tall trees, and I did climb all of them, and not just the ones in my house, also the ones in the park, in my neighborhood, at the school or any other place that had big trees, monkey was my middle name.

My Grandmother lived near to our place, so she was our official babysitter. I knew, see me heading to the backyard made her nervous, but she never stop me, although I caught her a couple times spying through the window, I guess she just wanted to make sure I was still in one piece.

My reward ? Conquered the top of each tree and sit in one of the branches, looked at the shapes of the leaves, the stalk, the sound of the wind when it touches the branches, the way how it moved them almost like a dance, the view, how the other trees looks from there, I loved to feel the breeze in my face playing with my hair making it tousled, and I wasn’t climbing alone, must the time I would carry some of my dearest favorite stuff animals or toys, so I will have someone to share the view.

Sometimes it was really challenging carry this things with me, but I did it anyway.

I climbed trees for most of my childhood and a very few times during my teenager years.

Nowadays, I just enjoy to look at them or sit under their shade and hear the wind running through the branches, it brings back very good memories.

3. 溜旱冰  roller skating
I adored roller skating as a child. We had these funky metal looking skates with a key something like this.

Getting a brand new pair of roller skates was the best! I was a real terror on those things. I felt like I was flying with my pony tail sailing out behind me. I would push myself to go faster and faster then just suddenly stop. I was a bit of a tomboy. I pushed everything to the limit.

I am so happy internet wasn't created when I was a child. Being outside and playing in the fresh air and sunshine was awesome. You felt great when you'd go back inside, all flushed from playing with the neighborhood kids, the real ones, not the virtual ones. You know, I don't remember any overweight kids when I was a little girl either. We were all out running and playing in nature. I wouldn't trade those days for a thousand iAnthings!

4. 绘画
One thing I definitely miss is my hobby of 'Drawing'.

I had developed a fascination towards paintings and drawings, when I was just 7 year old, in second standard. It was all after I saw that a boy in my class was excellent in drawing and painting, I too wanted to become a painter/artist like him. That boy eventually became my best friend and is my best ever friend till date. He is an excellent artist and whenever I visit his home, he shows me his latest works.

We met each other when we were in 2nd standard. He was quite good in drawing back then as well and I din't know a shit about drawing. But in my own world, I was Piccasso! and even he thought so about me (You know how best friends are) :) There was nothing that could stop me. I even dreamed of becoming an artist. We both used to draw a lot together. With 'a lot' I mean so much so that even in sports period, we would sit in the play ground, take out our sketch books and draw anything to everything that we would like to. Most of the time we made sketches of super-heroes of Marvel/DC comics. My rough books were full of such types of stupid and funny sketches. And this hobby went on till when I was around in 7th standard. Later that year, I got transferred to another place and got admitted to a new school. And with that, this hobby also got dropped. I was away from my best friend and there was nobody in my new school to pat my back whenever I drew something that sucked from the bottom! I put myself away from all this and concentrated completely on studies. Eventually I gave up this hobby completely.

Around a year back we shifted to a new house. And in the shifting process I discovered few of my primary school notebooks, including my old sketch books. I saw that at the end of each and every note book, I had drawn silly stuffs like may be a super-hero's face or a flower or a landscape or any damn thing that's difficult to be explained. My sketch books were full with many such weird things. I abserved something. Some drastic change. The last pages of my primary school notebooks were full of colors and designs made by me, whereas the last pages of my college notebooks are just plain and empty. I don't even bother to look at the last pages now. I don't write anything on them. I realised at that moment that how colorful are our lives when we are with our best friends. I tried drawing once again, but I found no interest in it, not as much as when I was a child. But yet, I sometimes wonder, what if I had continued with it!? Who knows!

5.角色扮演 Role Playing-Mostly by myself

I fancied guns as a kid . I fancied being a mercenary on one day , a spy on the other with guns and an imaginary radio . What started off by flashing the thumb and the index out of an imaginary holster , running around and firing at just about everything , I was introduced to the 'real deal' -Guns that would fire bullets.

Although mine were nothing like this -It was fun firing at people hoping they'd stick onto their foreheads even if mine never did.

It only got better with the air guns with little tiny spherical pellets in yellow and orange. They came with cartridges , I'd load each of these yellow bullets reminding myself '' One man , One bullet'' . I carried a sling bag for it or sometimes shoved it in my pants by the hip.

I'd duck behind vehicles , crawl underneath beds , I'd fire at birds but the birds were too fast so I'd fire at pillows and just about everything that was still.

6. 集邮  collecting stamps
When I was younger I collected stamps. My father went to a market and bought me about 5 old albums and I must have spent hours putting them onto new pages. I never finished. I still have all the albums and lots of odd stamps up in the loft. I decided that when I was an old lady and could not do much else I would start to organise them again.

In clearing out step-mother's house we found one of her son's stamp collection, just a few. So I now have them to add to my own collection. I do not think that there are likely to be many that have value as these would have been taken before the old albums got onto the market stall.

Amazingly when I looked at stamp pages on Taobao I saw quite a few that I recognised I had in my albums. That was a bit of a shock - fancy remembering stamps from such a long time ago.

7.魂斗罗及超级玛丽 Contra and Super Mario
I remember playing Contra like hell with a friend of mine. In his absence, my Mom would play Mario with me. I always used to choose Mario over Luigi. In those days, I could play Mario for hours without dying and in the meantime, my mom used to complete her daily household chores like washing clothes and utensils, making food, etc. During her turn, she would die in less than 5 minutes. I still have no clue whether she used to do this on purpose in order to fill the vacancy of my friend or that she was really inexperienced in playing Mario (C'mon, Mario was not that hard to play). But it surely used to make me very happy.
