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Describe a person you had disagreement with.

· Who the person is?

· What is the disagreement?

· Why you argued with that person?


1.确定人物(who)。是要描述一个你熟悉的人,比如亲朋、同学老师或者同事上级等,还是一个路人(random guy),比如上学途中,地铁上?前者的disagreement更加有亲密感,后者则有点类似发生意外然后起了冲突。本着口语答案“熟悉个性”的原则,在追求保险的情况下,优先选择前者——熟悉的人。


a.1. what you learn at college(读什么专业) 假想敌 dad

b. what you do after college(做什么工作) 假想敌dad

c. who you can choose to be your gf/bf(交男女朋友的选择,或者说对早恋的分歧) 假想敌mum

d. whether you can set out for a self-help travel by yourself (一个人自助游) 假想敌mum

f. whether I can donate blood (献血) 假想敌mum

e. whether I can be a volunteer teacher(支教)假想敌mum



基本就是围绕着自我的个性追求同父母的传统管束/期待之间产生的分歧,比较好的结局当然是一个happy ending,在沟通与妥协后。毕竟,考官较多也是为人父母的,在此处,圆满结局要优于不欢而散。



I have great dad and mom, and I grow up in a family with a democratic atmosphere fostered hard by them for which I feel so blessed. But that way of education leads to discord sometimes, occasionally rows.

Since childhood, I have a thing for a Tai Wan female writer’s books about her life in Sahara desert. Travelling is her way of life, and she had a great gift to put her exotic experiences into words. So this kind of leaving-everything-behind-and-travel-alone feel enchants me and I always harbour an idea of a lone bicycle travel. Because I feared if I don’t do it then, the chance that I would do it in the future will dwindle with time, when finally I saved 10000 yuan, and there came the two-month summer holiday, I brought it up to my dad about my national travel plan. He said a flat no.

The thing is , he deeply cared about safety issue during the travel. You know, the robbery, the theft, the road, the food and all the other unpredictable dangers out there. There were a lot what ifs I need to figure out before I got the go-ahead, he said. I told him I was a grown-up and planned this for 2 years, otherwise I couldn’t possibly save up a fortune of 10000. I knew what I was doing and I knew how to do it. We have a long and heated talk and eventually it escalated in to a row. Neither of us could persuade the other. We had to agree to disagree.

Thank god, we have mom. She got the perfect timing to break the deadlock. A timely family meeting is held, chaired by mum. After a bargaining debate, dad and I reach a compromise: I can go alone, but not by bicycle. Though it was not exactly what I had expected,  as long as I could go, it was ok with me. So basically the disagreement has a happy ending and then began my great journey.


开始两段,介绍了the person的背景和the disagreement的背景,其实大致已经回答了who和why,之后第三段是具体地讲what,最后一段简略说了下result。

需要提醒大家的是,cue card中所列举的三个问题,有时不是一定得按照他们的顺序来一一回答。如果这样的话,一个完整的陈述,就有被拆成了三个问题的回答的危险了,这可不是cue card设计者的本意。要知道,它只是提醒你应该从哪几个方面入手来回答这个问题,是为了降低这三分钟个人陈述的难度。





tally with(吻合 match or agree with) Her complaints tally with the comments we have received from other people.

concur with(同意 share/agree with an idea/opinion) His opinion concurs with the general opinion of the experts on this matter.

find yourself in accord with(完全同意 be in complete agreement with) The president found himself in full accord with the opposition.

coincide with(与…相同 be the same as) Your views coincide with mine on the question of crime and punishment.

conform to(遵照fit in with) His ideas do not conform to the general definition of civilization.

approve of (支持,赞同think sth is right or good) My parents approve of my choice of profession and support me fully.


dissent  异议

discord   不和

rift   分歧

split  分裂

division 分裂/派系


The two sides have reached a compromise with regard to the plan to build the new road across a nature reserve.

The Minister was not prepared to compromise on the issue of raising university fees.

The government made several concessions to the protesters.(accepted some of the demands of)

The management and the union reached a settlement and the strike ended.(reached an agreement)

Agree to disagree


Come out against     (support or begin to support a particular set of ideas)

Stick by    (to remain faithful to)

Side with    (support a person or group)

Cave in    (agree to sth that you were against before, because of persuasion or threats)

Go with    (accept a plan or an idea)

17-year-old boy claims he was egged on by his friends to steal cars.

(encouraged to do sth, often sth that is wrong/stupid)

Cheered on by her supporters, Jenny Hinds beat the world record.

(received encouraging shouts)

Mrs Gilmore, who celebrated her 104th birthday, when asked what her secret was, said she swears by a glass of hot milk with a little sugar every night before bed.

(believes that sth is very effective and will always work well)

Mr West said the club would not hear of letting children attend the concert.

(not allow sth, or not allow sb to do sth(always in the negative)

He is someone who always sticks up for the rights of the poor and the homeless

(defended or fought for sth important)

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