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Describe a person who you think is fashion.

· Who the person is?

· How you know the person?

· Why you think he/she is fashion?



甚至对fashion一词的理解,都会产生分歧。fashion是等价于娱乐新闻里的头条人物亦或是星光大道上走红地毯的各色视觉男女么?个人觉得,他们都称不上真正的fashion。顶多称得上popular star。Fashion应该是那种引领了一种社会风潮,让很多人赞叹模仿的role model。在西方,有Michael Jackson,Lady gaga,在中国,有……好像有点困难,要选出心目中配得上fashion一词的中国人。

一翻思索,觉得有两位可以称得上是fashion,一位是First lady彭丽媛,一位是Tech guru马云(Jack Ma)。前者身穿中国设计师的各种服装在国际上各种高调曝光,一时成为全民话题,以至于她用过一次的包包都会被挖出来,成为大卖品。而她所彰显的靓丽高贵大气的女性风范更是一改以前中国领导人夫人比较低调收敛的角色,顺理成章地成为一个具有国际影响力的国民明星,粉丝无数。后者是亚洲首富,白手起家(from rags to riches),在不到20年的时间里缔造了一个电商帝国,福布斯封面人物大陆第一人,是中国所有entrepreneur的精神领袖,是互联网时代中国社会非常宝贵的upward mobility最好代言人。




He is the recently named China's richest man - the man who took Alibaba Group, China's largest e-commerce business, to the biggest IPO in US history. His name is Jack Ma.

Born in 1965, he is now a household name and people read and share a story about him like: quit the safe job as a high school teacher and start his own business, set up a tech company without any tech background, fail countless times and never give up, succeed, go from success to success, be the Asian richest person. Though he is a rather odd-looking man in its best, you know someone say he is an ET for real, it doesn’t stop him from being the hottest super star. I am not his fan, but he does enjoy a gigantic following.

His business philosophy travels well and far, and his ambitious and aggressive words are quoted like golden rules. Countless inspired young fellows follow his footprints to start their own business. Millions of entrepreneurs have set being like him as the ultimate goal.

He is a firm believer in the American dream, although born in China, that you can still be successful even you are from the bottom of society without good looks. Yes, the idea of upward mobility, boasted by the Americans, is the biggest Chinese dream in average minds now. He does live that shiny dream.


基本是按照直白闪亮的开场(提及他的两点最为西方人所知晓的,首富和纽约证交所史上最高金额的首次公开募股)+清晰带有感情倾向的背景和现象描述(from rags to riches,其貌不扬,英语老师,创业,失败而不言弃,成功,从成功走向更大的成功)+深入的原因分析与评价(role model, a great inspiration for the followers, a sign of upward mobility),最好还能有一两句拽拽的话结尾(He does live that shiny dream.)。



Trendy  时髦的  state-of-the-art 最时新的

Trendsetter Pathfinder Trailblazer groundbreaker 四个词基本都是开拓者的意思可放在一起记

穿的简简单单dress down dress less formal clothes(对应dress up盛装)

时尚而休闲的 smart-casual(clothes)

to be dressed to kill 就是字面意,指穿得极具杀伤力(喷鼻血那种)

一般穿的衣服样式可以简单分为 dressy(正式场合穿的职业装),skimpy(比较紧身修身型的辣妹装),baggy(宽松的大妈装),snazzy(现代时尚的达人装)

A few years ago jackets were all the rage.(very fashionable)

They were dressed in the height of fashion.(an extremely fashionable way)

The magazine has up-to-the-minute fashion articles.(dealing with the most recent trends)

The film has set a new trend for the leather trousers worn by the heroine.(started a new fashion)

If you are ahead of your time, you have new ideas or opinions before they are fashionable.

If a fashion/trend catches on, it becomes popular.

A slave of/to fashion is someone who is strongly influenced by fashion.

What hot today is gone tomorrow, and she always stays ahead of the curve.(ahead of times, at the forefront of trends)

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