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小站前言:5月雅思换题季后,又出现了一波新题。针对即将到来的雅思考试,小站老师就这些新题,做一个比较详细新题讲解。今天给大家带来的话题是:an activity that helps you keep fit,描述一项保持健康的运动。

Describe an activity that helps you keep fit

What it is

When you do the activity

How much time you spend regularly

What benefits you can get
Sample answer:

The first avtivity that comes to mind is swimming

I swam since a very young age

My parents enrolled me a swimming lesson at the age of three, I believe.

I’m very lucky because I’m a swimming teacher and I have a lot of access to swmming pool

Normally, I swim after my shift is finished, so after my last swimming class and the pool is closed to the public for the night

keep my fitness level up

it’s also good if you are recovering from injuries

there’s not a lot of pressure on your joints, on your arms, on your knees, on your ankles

Aerobics exercise

an activity I try to incorporate into my daily life
