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小站前言:5月雅思换题季后,又出现了一波新题。针对即将到来的雅思考试,小站老师就这些新题,做一个比较详细新题讲解。今天给大家带来的话题是:有水的地方,a place near water。这是一道去年的高频考题。今年又开始考。

Describe a place near water 

Where this place was

What you did at this place

Who you went there with

And explain why you liked this place
The place that I would like to talk about is

XX island is an island that is about 2-hour-drive from Melbourne city, south of Melbourne

I’m very lucky that my parents have a holiday house

when we grow up, we often took weekend trips down to the beach there

summer holidays

it’s evident there are lots to do

heaps of tourists

surf beaches

penguine parade where you can go and see little penguines walk up from the water

it’s a great place for anyone to go to, whether young family or tourists, and the elderly as well.

Normally I go there with my family, although sometimes I invite my friends as well.

such a lovely place that is not too far to drive

catch a flight

a short two hour trip

there’s always something to do.
