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雅思口语Part 1 Part 3的高分策略


我们首先来看一个Part 1例子:

Examiner: “Are you working or studying?”

Student: "Oh, I've been working for three years."

小站分析:这个回答虽然告诉了考官你已经工作了,但是这个回答给考官有点不符合西方人思维的感觉,因为这个是一个非直接回答的答案。理由很简单:在西方人的思维里面他们希望你先直接回答问题,然后再增加额外的信息点或者知识点。所以正确的回答是:先是在工作或者学习里面选一个,给他直接的正面的回答,然后再添加额外的信息。可以说:"I'm working. In fact, I've beenworking for five years." 而且这个回答也可以用在Part 3 的问题里面。



1. "I study chemistry, which has a lot of experiments."

2. "I study history, which is the story of the past."



Describe a person who you want to be similar to in your teenage years.

这个口语话题最近一直出现在各大考场里面,所以请各位考生引起注意。我们先跳过Part 2,来看一下它的Part 3的一道例子:

E.g.: What kind of people do children (for young people) in China want tobe similar when they grow up?


第一步:先给出直接回答或者你的opinion。这点和Part 1有点相似,先回答考官要提的最直接的问题,并给出直接答案,比如这道题目你可以说:In my opinion, most children in china wantto be the famous movie stars or sports players when they reach their adulthoodperiods. 这种回答可以给考官一种开门见山的感觉,也符合西方的思维逻辑,比较清晰,也节约考试时间。

第二步:在给出直接答案以后,一定要写出理由(reasons)或者为什么你有这样的想法,这个有点像雅思写作里面针对前面的直接回答给出理由进行因果论证,所以接下来你可以这么说:Because most entertainers or professionalathletes can earn a large sum of money and obtain high reputation in oursociety. If the youngsters follow their idols’ paths, maybe one day they can beas wealthy and highly respected as some celebrities. In addition,It is also a shortcut to lead to an abundant and carefree life for mostthe youth.

第三步:请各位同学一定要记住,在给完理由以后,如果想要冲上6分以上,甚至于7分的话,请一定要加上一个具体的例子或者具体的数据,记住这个是老外最喜欢的,因为他们的思维就是相信例子、数据和实验报告得出来的结果和事实。所以接下来可以这样说:For instance, my classmate Xiao Li wants tobecome Liu Xiang in the future, because he thinks Liu has strong athlete talentsand power, which can facilitate him to win the world champion and break theworld record. Xiao Li once told me if one day he could be as fast as Mr. Liu,he could also represent his country to enter the Olympic game and win the gloryfor his motherland, which in turn could reward him countless money and fame.

以上就是小站老师总结的关于雅思口语Part 1 Part 3的高分策略,希望可以帮助到大家。