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雅思口语素材大搜集:a helping hand

A helping hand意为伸出援手,一臂之力,大家可以描述的内容就是一次帮助,既可以是你给予别人的,也可以是别人帮助你,还可以是别人帮助别人,甚至主语也不一定是人,能为他人提供帮助的都可以做主语,如政府,宠物,网络啊等等。现在就来看看世上各种各样的帮助。


Nowadays it is quite common for people to help each other since society has become more dependant on each other - especially for those around us who have suffered from great tragedy or a natural disaster. Naturally I am also quite willing to give a helping hand to those who need it.

I once helped a girl who survived the 2008 Sichuan earthquake - it was a devastating disaster. In the earthquake, a lot of people lost their loved ones, also become homeless. Many people from the mental and physical trauma was huge .Her name was Liping and lost her parents during that tragic devastating event. She was also hurt quite bad during earthquake and needed money for an important operation, her leg was crush by a falling object and without an operation she would have lost it. I saw this on the news and sent her all my pocket that I had accumulated for several years because I felt quite sorry for her and wanted to do what I could for the survivors of that earthquake. I knew I couldn't save everyone but this one person is enough.

Luckily for her, the operation was successful. A few weeks after her operation she sent me a handwritten letter, thanking me for my donation and even attached a photo of herself - I was quite pleased with myself.

This is the greatest thing I have ever done in my life and I am still proud of doing it. This experience has inspired me to study hard and get a good job in the future so that I could help even more people. That is why I'm going abroad - to not only get a good education but also to learn how the charities work there.

A Helping Hand让我想起一个慈善组织

A Helping Hand reminds me of a non-profit companion care provider committed to assisting seniors and individuals with disabilities maintain self-sufficiency, quality of life, and the highest level of independence.

For nearly two decades, this organization has enabled adults to age in place, providing customized, person-centered care to meet both short-term and long-term needs.


I am a single mum of 3 teenagers . Born in South Africa , migrated to Perth, Australia. I had this vision a few years ago to start a charity for children. It materialized when I went to Uganda on a missionary trip and saw the conditions of the kids. I have personally joined forces with two friends to start a sponsorship programme for kids to assist in their education and starting projects to make them self sustaining.

Long term project is to educate the kids so that they can educate their generation and kids generation. To improve conditions through health education , combating poverty and diseases. Our aim is to be able to supply malaria first aid kits, mosquito nets and waterproof shoes to kids.

宠物对人类的帮助,physically and emotionally

Pets are so good for us, physically and emotionally, because their love, loyalty, consistency, and forgiving natures offer people great comfort.

Pets can help us relax and focus our attention away from our problems and worries. Watching fish in a aquarium, or the activities of birds can be very soothing.

In addition, pets can help alleviate feeling of loneliness and isolation. Everyone needs to feel being needed and have someone to care for. Many elderly citizens living alone will tell you that their pets gives them a reason for living.


I once had a sophisticated math problem to deal with and I asked a lot of my classmates and teachers, who were just as confused as I was, so I uploaded the question on my twitter, where a stranger answered the question for me, which is really amazing because you never image such kind of thing before.

well ,you know, the interenet has become my best friend, because it not only provide solutions to my problems, but also, offer me a lot of chances to help others. because after this kind of experience, i have begun helping others on websites as well by answering different kinds of questions.


Some young Chinese are idle, not idols, and they are more likely than any other young group to get into trouble with the law - they are the dropouts, unemployed and no longer at school.

In Shanghai there are steps being taken to help some of these troubled youngsters. Government established a center and launched a program targeting unemployed young people aged 16 to 25 with a local household registration.

This program focus on the 16 to 25 age group because it is at 16 that the nine-year compulsory education period ends and young people take different paths, some of them not continuing with education and not finding jobs.

The key to the program, however, lay in one-on-one assistance. Zhang Wei (not his real name) from Baoshan district was 18 when he was involved in a gang brawl and was expelled from his school. He locked himself in his room at home and refused to speak to his parents. His mother turned to the center for help and social worker Song Bing came to the rescue.

After several long conversations with Zhang to get to know him and build trust, Song discovered that Zhang had shut himself away because he was afraid of how the neighbors and acquaintances regarded him. Song took some time to persuade the young man that people who changed the way they behaved also regained the respect of others. He told Zhang to watch law and order shows on television and discussed with him how he could change his attitudes and behavior patterns.

He advised Zhang to stay away from Internet cafés and video game arcades and volunteer to help in the community and work with migrant children. This eventually led Zhang to realize he was privileged and that he should do more for the community. Not only did he stay away from the gang but he volunteered to help at the center and work with other troubled young people.

a helping hand is everywhere
