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Economist, 经济学人杂志。是一份由伦敦经济学人报纸有限公司出版的杂志,于1843年9月由詹姆士·威尔逊创办。杂志的大多数文章写得机智,幽默,有力度,严肃又不失诙谐,并且注重于如何在最小的篇幅内告诉读者最多的信息。同时,《经济学人》也是极好的雅思阅读课外读物,很多时候,雅思阅读考试的文章就是出自其中。可以说经济学人相比较于其他国内外语报纸的态度更客观,视角更宽。今天为大家带来的这篇阅读素材是来自该杂志的一篇文章,并且帮大家附上详细的中文翻译,希望对大家的阅读能力有所帮助。

Using maths to explain the universe 用数学解释整个宇宙

LEONARD SUSSKIND is a professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University and director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is regarded as one of the fathers of string theory, a somewhat controversial attempt to explain physics using a single mathematical framework.


He is the author of several popular-science books about matters cosmological. His new book, “The Theoretical Minimum”, co-written with George Hrabovsky, an amateur physicist, is a primer for readers who want to know how to think like a physicist.


Can you outline what we know about string theory? 请你概括一下我们对弦理论的了解?

The most important single thing about string theory is that it’s a highly mathematical theory and the mathematics holds together in a very tight and consistent way. It contains in its basic structure both quantum mechanics and the theory of gravity. That’s big news.



Basically, from the time of Einstein’s [theory of] general relativity there was no good idea about how quantum mechanics and gravity fit together. They were always at each other’s throat, apparently inconsistent. String theory’s biggest and most important impact is to show that gravity and quantum mechanics can and do fit together. That, more than anything else, has maintained interest in it.


String theory presumes the existence of extra spatial dimensions. How do we know they exist?


It must be so because it is so deeply embedded in the mathematics and not easy to explain. I pride myself on being able to explain things to a broad audience, but sometimes you have to say it’s buried in the mathematics. [The theory] just doesn’t work unless you add six more dimensions to the world and we’ll have to leave it at that.


Okay, but why have we been unaware of them until now? 好吧,但为什么直到现在我们才开始意识到它们存在?

Because they’re tiny. 因为它们很小很小。

So, we can’t understand these dimensions because they are too small? 就是说,因为这些维度太小了所以我们无法理解? Yes. 是的。

And what difference do the dimensions make to the layperson’s understanding of the universe?


These extra dimensions can be arranged and put together in many different patterns, in a variety of different ways. Not billions, trillions or quintillions of ways, but many more than that. The ways these dimensions are put together into these tiny little spaces determine how particles will behave, what particles will exist, what the constants of nature are—quantities like dark energy or the electric charge of an electron. In string theory all those things are features of the ways that these tiny dimensions are put together. The tiny dimensions are like the DNA of the universe.


Yet there are physicists who don’t think string theory is correct. 但有物理学家认为弦理论是错误的。

Oh, well, I suppose there are! We don’t know if string theory is true. 噢,好吧,我想肯定有!我们也不知道弦理论是不是正确的。

I thought you said the maths stacks up? 我想你之前说过弦理论数学上能自圆其说?

There is a difference between mathematical internal consistency and whether or not it describes nature. We can write mathematical theories that are not the right theory of nature—geometry, for example. There’s Euclid’s geometry; positive curve geometry; the geometry of a sphere. Which is the right geometry of space? They’re all consistent, mathematically uncontradictory. But it’s a different thing to say a mathematical theory is consistent and that it describes the real world.


How could we find out whether string theory describes nature or not? 我们怎样知道弦理论是否描述自然?

If they can co-exist with each other. If that’s all string theory does then it’s still an enormous conceptual advance.


Unless it isn’t true; in which case gravity and quantum mechanics aren’t related. 除非它是错误的;这样的话引力和量子力学就不统一了。

Well, right, but they have to be related because they both exist in the same world. 呃,对,但引力和量子力学必须是统一的,因为它们存在于同一个宇宙。

What is dark energy?暗能量是什么?

It is the energy of empty space. It’s there just because empty space is there. If you have a box full of particles, each particle has an energy MC2, then you stretch the sides of the box and make it bigger and the energy dilutes, meaning that the energy density goes down. Dark energy doesn’t thin out. You expand the box but the amount of energy per unit volume remains the same.


Does it definitely exist and can you measure it? 暗能量绝对存在吗?可以测量吗?

Yes, it exists. We have measured it by the expansion of the universe. Energy is what causes the universe to expand, and the way that it dilutes as it expands controls how fast it expands and the detailed way in which it expands. There is an absolute 100% confirmation of the idea that dark energy exists.


Where did it come from and what is it doing? 暗能量从哪来?有什么作用?

Since the birth of quantum mechanics physicists understood that quantum field theory—the basic underlying theory of quantum mechanics, of electrons and photons and all those things—should provide every tiny bit of space with a huge amount of this undiluting kind of energy. That energy should gravitate. They understood that and they did not understand why this source of gravitation didn’t seem to turn the universe into an incredibly rapidly expanding universe that would double in size every ten to the minus 42 seconds.


The real question was not “what is dark energy?” it was “where is dark energy?” For many years Einstein and others thought that the dark energy must be zero because it was so tiny. Nobody could detect it and it couldn’t be detected in the expansion of the universe. What was most remarkable was when it was discovered that it was not zero, but it was 123 orders of magnitude smaller.

真正的问题不是“什么是暗能量?”,而是“暗能量在哪?”很多年来,爱因斯坦和其他人都认为暗能量一定是0, 因为它是如此之小。过去没有人能探测到它,并且它也无法从宇宙膨胀中探测到。所以当物理学家发现暗能量不是0,而是小123个数量级时,这成为暗能量领域最值得关注的发现。

Is the universe still expanding? If so, how much can it expand and will it eventually implode?


No, no, no. Before the dark energy was discovered there were three possibilities: that it would implode, that it would continue to expand or that it would expand at an ever decreasing rate. Once the dark energy was discovered and discovered to be positive it was shown that it will continue to expand.


The equations as we know them now do not seem to permit the possibility that it will implode. As it expands the dark energy won’t dilute. It’s vacuum energy. In every bit of volume there is the same amount, but the electrons, protons or neutrons will spread out, so what we can look forward to is a universe that is completely empty.


If the universe is expanding there must be something into which it’s expanding?


So the universe isn’t something that can be imagined by a human brain?


That’s right. That’s why we’re stuck using abstract mathematics for the simple reason that our visualisation abilities evolved in a certain environment that just wasn’t appropriate for understanding quantum mechanics and general relativity, so we have to get our intuitions from abstract mathematics.


So the universe doesn’t have an outside? 所以说宇宙外面什么都没有?

It doesn’t have an outside or an inside. It just has the rubber surface. You have to learn to think of the surface of the balloon as being all there is. It’s all there is.


Ah-ha! No. You are a victim of your own neural architecture which doesn’t permit you to imagine anything outside of three dimensions. Even two dimensions. People know they can’t visualise four or five dimensions, but they think they can close their eyes and see two dimensions. But they can’t. When you close your eyes and try to see two dimensions you’ll always see a surface embedded in three dimensions.


Is there something special about three dimensions? No. There is something special about your neural architecture. You evolved in a world where everything inside your brain is hooked up and geared to be able to see three dimensions and nothing else.

