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雅思口语满分词汇表达分享之smart phone

编者按:smart phone智能手机面饰也不过十来余年,却大大改变了很多人的生活方式。相比较于傻子手机(dumb phone),其实它对人的催傻能力却是远远超出了后者。请看小站雅思频道为大家带来的关于智能手机的词汇集。

earphone 受话器

sleep/wake key 睡眠/唤醒键

on-off button 开关机键

volume key 音量调节键

touch screen 触摸屏

application icon 应用程序图标

menu key 菜单键

talk key 通话键

end call key 结束通话键

speaker 扬声器

objective lens [lenz] 摄像头物镜

microphone 麦克风

antenna 天线

liquid crystal display 眼睛显示屏

headset kit 耳机套件


I’m going to suggest that smart phones have been playing a vital role in our lives recently because of their numerous functions that are amazingly convenient for us to handle. For example, you can manage all of your application icons by simply laying your finger upon the touch screen. Also, high-definition objective lens equipped on most smart phones make it possible for us to take high-quality footages without having to buy an over-priced camera.


Dumb phone is the opposite of a smart phone. It generally has lower specs than a smart phone in terms of screen size, wireless connectivity, storage space etc. However the critical differentiator is that there is no development environment that allows any third party applications to be installed (other than java midlets which are very limited). Manufacturers and networks call them 'feature phones'.

Dumb phone就是指“非智能手机”。这类手机通常在屏幕尺寸、无线连接,以及存储空间等参数方面要低于智能手机。不过,两者之间最主要的区别是,非智能手机中无法安装第三方应用程序(java应用除外,不过应用也很有限)。制造商和网络运营商都管这类手机叫做“功能型手机”

A computer widow (or widower) is a term for those who have a relationship with a computer user, either one who plays video games, on a console or on the computer, uses the Internet, or creates his/her own programs, who pays far more attention to the computer or game than to his/her partner.


除了computer widow,一个家庭中由于某个成员过度沉迷电脑而出现的情况还有可能是computer mother(沉迷于电脑或网络的孩子母亲),computer orphan(父母双方专注于网络或者在电脑前工作而被忽视的孩子)。


