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雅思口语Part 1高频题及解析

Work and study 工作和学习

1. Do you like studying in your school? 

Key:I feel so lucky that I could study in a top school, students in my school are both intelligent and diligent, so I can make like-minded friends, plus, teachers in my school are all knowledgeable and humorous , so I can make tremendous progress with the help of them.

2. What is the most important thing in your study life? 

Key:Friendship is the most important thing. I believe a day without friendship is like a day with out sunshine. My philosophy of life is to help people around me, the closer they are to me,the more I like them.

3. What do you plan to do after you finish your study? 

Key:I dream of going abroad to further my education in England, I believe studying abroad is a good way to expand my mind and enrich my life.

House or apartment 房子和公寓

1. Do you live in a house or a flat? 

Key:I am living in an apartment in the city center. Chinese house price keeps on increasing at fast speed, so I don't think my parents can afford an expensive house or villa.

2. Please describe it a little? 

Key:It’s a modern-looking and well-decorated apartment. It is spacious, it is about 120 square meter. It was furnished with traditional Chinese style.

3. What’s your favorite room in your home?

Key:That must be my bedroom because it was decorated according to my taste, I feel very comfortable and relaxed in this room. It is a harbor for me. When I come back home, I sometimes feel tired, but the comfortable bedclothes can make me feel better.

4. What have you done to your room to make it look nice?

Key:Well,I bought a lot of favorite wallpapers and glued them on the wall. It makes my room look warmer and prettier.

5. Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 

Key:Dining room. It is an ideal place for family reunion and family meal. We can enjoy delicious foods and share thoughts with each other especially after an exhausting day.

6. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Key:There are a lot of things I could do, to name just a few,reading my favorite books and appreciating detective story movies.

7. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

Key:Yes, as I said, my apartment is in the city center and thus I could enjoy convenient public transport. It only takes about ten minutes to go to the bus station on foot.

8. Do you plan to move? 

Key: My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. I love expensive villa, however, my family cannot afford it now, maybe,I’ll settle in another city or country in the future by my personal struggle.

Weather and Climate 天气和气候

1. What's the climate (or weather) like in your hometown? 

Key:In my city Changchun, the weather is quite cozy and comfortable, epically during the spring or autumn. Besides, the winter here is extremely chilly and cold.

2. Would you say the weather in your hometown is generally good or bad weather? 

Key:Basically speaking,the weather is desirable and satisfying, especially in comparison with southerncities in China. The weather is either humid or extremely hot in many southerncities.

3. Would you say there have been any changes in the climate (in your hometown) in the recent past? 

Key:Well,a striking change is that winter here is become warmer than the counterpart of past several decades because of the influence of global warming.

Travel by train 火车旅行

1. Do you often travel by train? 

Key:No,as a poor student and bread-eater,frequent travel for me is a kind of luxury,therefore,I stand fewchances of taking train.

   2. Do you like traveling by train? 

Key:Yes,I enjoy the process of taking a train to slowly approach my destination. I can feast my eyes on the beautiful landscape outside the window,I really enjoy the feeling of doing nothing at all and just killing time,you know,in a lessconstrained environment,I can enjoy more physical and psychological relaxation.

3. What do you usually do when (you are)traveling by train? 

Key:Well,I usually buy amagazine and then to read slowly,or I will listen to my favorite music, or sometimes I like to chat with some strangers.I think travel is a unique way to make friends with interesting people and deepen our understanding about different life.

4. What do you think are the benefits of traveling by train? 

Key:I think traveling by train really enjoys some benefits. First of all,the fare is inexpensive compared with taking airplane. Secondly,I do enjoy the feeling of approaching my dream destination step by step because my heart will be full of expectation and excitement.

5. Do you ever travel by subway? 

Key:Yes,as a fancier ofself-traveler,I am well-traveled. I have ever taken a lot of public transport, Itried sky-train and TU-TU car in Thailand, and I took subway to my tourismdestination in Shanghai. I took tram to my university in Changchun. However,bus is whatI take everyday because it is inexpensive and convenient.

6. Have you ever traveled by subway? 

Key:Definitely yes,almosteverybody takes the subway to go to work or their destination in big cities.Well,if possible I have a burning desire to do some sightseeing inEuropean countries by trying their well-developed subway.

Advertisement 广告

1. Are there any ads in your country?

Key:There are many ads in my country suchas TV commercials,street flyers or different newspaper ads.

2. Why do you think there are so many adsnow? 

Key:Well,I think it is a kind of commercial method to improve the sales of the companies,because goodads can make the products become popular and then improve the fame of the company.

3. What are the various places where we seeads? 

Key:We can see the ads everywhere, for example, when we browse the Internet or during the rest time of various soapoperas. Even when we walk on the streets,some strangers will hand out the flyers to us.

4. How do you feel about ads? 

Key:It has a big influence on me, I alwaysbuy things without consideration after watching some ads,you know,thoseeye-catching ads sometimes really make the money burn a hole in my pocket.

5. What kinds of ads do you like most? 

Key:I have a special liking forappreciating those creative and humorous advertising,they arevisual enjoyment, especially some cars ads.

6. Do ads influence your choice about tobuy? 

Key:It has a big influence on me,sometimes, good ads will lure me to buy something that I don’t really need.

7. Do you like ads on TV? 

Key:It all depends,I think thepublic service advertising is necessary.I would love to watch them. On thecontrary,some badly-made ads are really disgusting and annoying

8. Do you prefer ads on TV or those inmagazine? 

Key:In comparison withTV ads,I prefer to watch magazines ads because a lot of unwanted TV adswill interrupt my favorite TV programs and bring me a bad mood.

9. Do you think ads play a very importantrole in today’s world? 

Key:Definitely yes, now people nearly buyeverything under the influence of ads.

10. What sorts of ads leave the deepestimpression on people? 

Key:Maybe those ads with witty slogan andbeautiful pictures. As for little kid,ads made by thosepopular stars are their favorite.

11. What do you think about thedevelopments in Ads in china today? 

Key:Well,a trend isthat more and more greedy stars will make fake publicity for those poor goods.Actually,their purpose is only to make personal profits.

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