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Did you know that long before cats and kittens invaded the internet with their cute and funny videos(and pictures),these loveable creatures invaded the English language with idioms and expressions?


actually, cats are as much a part of the English language as they are a part of your Facebook and Youtube entertainment.


In my opinion, you aren’t fluent until you know at least a few cat idioms, and today we are going to teach you the five most important and popular cat expressions that every English learner needs to know。


Cat Got Your Tongue? means: say something

It’s very common to say “(Has a)Cat Got Your Tongue?” when you’re asking somebody why they aren’t speaking. It’s not disrespectful, and is often very effective communication. This expression originates in medieval times when kings punished liars by cutting off their tongues and then feeding it to their cats。


2. A Copycat. means: a person who copies/imitates another

Kids often call each other “copy cat” when somebody copies them, and adults may joke around with this too. For example, a young boy who copies his brother’s haircut may be called a copycat。

当孩子们之间有人抄袭别人的时候,他们就会称那个抄袭的人为“copy cat”。成人之间有时也会用这个开玩笑。例如,一个年轻的男孩模仿他哥哥的发型就很可能被叫做“copy cat”。

3. It’s Raining Cats and Dogs. means: it’s raining very hard

This is very commonly used to describe the weather when it’s raining hard. The origin of this expression comes from the fact that cats were once known to symbolize strong wind, and dogs symbolized rain。


4. Scaredy Cat/ Fraidy Cat. means: coward

A fraidy or scaredy cat is someone is afraid to do something. The “y” is a diminutive used by kids. Adults may jokingly use these too. Because cats are known to back down (escape, run from) dogs, kids use this to make fun of their scared classmates。“

“A fraidy or scaredy cat”用来描述某人害怕做某件事。“y”这个音节经常被小孩子使用。成年人也可能用这个来开玩笑。因为,众所周知,猫会害怕、逃避狗,于是孩子们便用这个来取笑他们胆小的同学。

5. Let the Cat Out of The Bag? means: accidentally tell a secret

To let the cat out of the bag is to unintentionally ruin a secret. An example of this might be if you accidentally reveal a surprise birthday party to the person the party is for. The origin of the idiom is said to be in medieval markets when Piglets (baby pigs) were put in a bag to be sold, and every once in a while a seller would try to replace the piglet with a cat (which was cheaper), until somebody would open the bag and let the cat out (ruining the thief’s secret)。


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