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2016年07月13日13:55 来源:小站教育
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摘要:接下来为大家带来雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题(同意与否题型)的一篇范文。真题是:Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?





In this day and age, modern media is rife with advertisements, ceaselessly persuading people to purchase products and services. Despite the multitude of messages they conveyed, there is a growing consensus that advertising is prone to make people become monotonous. On the contrary, the author believes that such a stance is flawed.

The first reason for this view is rooted in the fact that people are hardly tolerant of sameness, especially in contemporary society where individualism is prominent. As individuals are trying to be different and unique, they are not well receptive of the notion of being alike. This attitude is especially strong for products and services which are intended to impart a sense of identity to the purchasers, such as clothing and accessories. There is no denying that advertising is capable of cajoling a certain number of consumers to buy a certain product, but convincing the majority of the public into purchasing a same product is extremely arduous, if not impossible.

Secondly, it is now too difficult for a product to dominate a market, owning to a more competitive environment which impedes customers’ brand loyalty. As a result of globalization and fast-paced technological advancement, brands which once monopolized the playground are under heavy attack from new entrants. By disseminating information regarding various products, advertising actually creates a conducive environment for consumers to switch among products and try different brands. Thus, advertising, instead of making people seem to be the same, is arguably the source of diversity in people’s lifestyles.

As suggested above, individual’s reactions to advertisements and preferences on a brand are inherently complex and unpredictable, simple cause-and-effect conclusions are elusive. Despite boosting the sales of a product or service, advertising can hardly make any product or service dominate the market.



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