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2016年09月29日14:11 来源:小站整理
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Task:There is an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbors, what causes this situation? How to solve?




1. 第一原因就是基于网络的社交网络的流行。现在的大众,尤其是年轻人,早就习惯于通过脸谱,推特和微信来进行日常的交流了,对他们而言,用手机来接送信息和分享图片和情绪比实际跟人聊天更方便,更有吸引力。

2. 第二原因就是工资压力大,人们整天忙于加班,开会,甚至在晚上和周末都待在办公室处理公务。所以,和邻居聊天是即没时间,又没心情。

3. 第三个原因就是现代城市的建筑格局。现代的住房像鸽子笼,高高的墙壁把人们都隔离开,邻居彼此碰面的机会不过是坐电梯时的偶然碰面。

4. 解决之道:第一,更多的社交活动应该在社区举办,如聚会,集体运动等等,这能为众人创造相互认识的空间。第二,应该限制社会工作时间,禁止加班,让职员能享受充分的私人时间来和他人一起娱乐。


Today, there is a worrying trend that a neighbor is more like a stranger next door, and residents have no interests in communicating with others living nearby. In this essay, I will explore the possible reasons and proper solutions to this social issue.

The foremost reason stems from the change in communication between people. In fact, in an age driven by the Internet, people, especially youngsters, have had a preference to using social networking for connection, like Facebook, Twitter and Wechat, over depending on physical face-to-face discussion. Therefore, as long as the Internet-based socialization draws all attentions and energy from people, these netters would be unconsciously strange from people living around.

Another reason is that under the stress of job competition, there has been a common work-oriented lifestyle among adults, which means full devotion into jobs, prolonged working hours, extra tasks and meetings at night or weekends. As a result, people could not afford to spend time on gossiping about weather, dogs and new babies, in a similar way that traditional neighbors used to do.

On the other hand, interactive face-to-face contact among neighbors has become rare because of modern housing plans. In big cities, for instance, it seems that families are either "caged" like animals in department units of tall buildings, or are separated by walls usually two meters high. In both cases, neighbors appear to be at once so near, and yet so far away. As a result, the level of personal communication among neighbors is declining.

In my view, there are two mains ways for the solution to this issue. Firstly, more group activities like parties and sports should be held in the community. Through these interactions, people living in neighborhood would embrace more opportunities to know more about each other. In addition, the laws with the function of limiting work time of social employees should be enacted and carried out strictly, which can help people recover their leisure time by sharing which people can make friendship and familiarity with neighbors.

(334 words)



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