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2016年12月06日13:27 来源:互联网
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A large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think it has negative effect to children and should be banned.To What extent do you agree or disagree? 很多广告针对的都是儿童。有人认为,儿童广告有消极的影响,应该被废除,是否认同?(2016年2月20日雅思写作)


Nowadays a lot of TV advertisements aim at children. What are the effects of this on children? Should TV advertisement be controlled? 儿童广告对于孩子们的影响是什么,是否应该限制儿童广告?


① 笑笑三岁了,三岁的笑笑会自己要礼物了。他说:“爸爸,你给我买一个手表就行了,我就要能打电话的手表,小天才电话手表”。爸爸想买,被家人劝阻,因为笑笑五分钟热情,一会就失去热情了。因为手表广告每次在喜洋洋或者光头强前后播出,所以,深入人心。如果爸爸消费了,儿童广告就增加了家庭的消费。

② 美国儿童肥胖成为社会关注的热点,以赠送玩具的方式,捆绑销售儿童套餐应该被处罚。实际上,美国已经该立法,限制肯德基和麦当劳的这种促销方式。

【作家立场】 儿童广告有其弊端,我们应该减少儿童广告的不良影响,但是,取缔儿童广告是非理性的。


※ 儿童广告的不良影响

① 明星代言的儿童广告,对于儿童心理有潜移默化的影响,诱发他们的消费冲动,增加了家庭的经济负担。

② 快餐类的儿童广告,使得很多成长中的少年儿童对于快餐食品上瘾,因为过度的糖分,脂肪,热量的摄入有害健康。

※ 为何不能取缔儿童广告

① 儿童广告的教育性:很多制作精美的广告可为艺术品,也可以成为辅助教育的工具。

② 儿童广告的信息性:广告是信息的载体,儿童广告也可以成为传播有益的信息,帮助家长们购买物美价优的产品的信息源泉。

③ 儿童广告的娱乐性:幽默的儿童广告也是孩子们获得欢乐的源泉。


〖首段〗 背景介绍 + 作家立场

Advertisements aiming at children have been penetrating many aspects of our lives,which arouses the public concerns.Many children are no longer free to choose the things they want because advertisements exert a subtle influence on them. Under such circumstances, some advertisements targeting children inevitably bring about their demerits. Even though some children-oriented advertisements might impose some adverse impacts,it is irrational to ban all of them.


Sure enough,some advertisements affect children adversely. First, immature children tend to buy the goods praised by their favorite stars, although they might not really need them. Hence, advertisements might impose much pressure upon their parents economically. Further, some advertising campaigns have a negative impact on children’s health. For example, bundle sale of children’ meals by giving out gift toys ought to be banned. Virtually, American has already enacted relevant legislations to restrict such sort of promotion of KFC and Mcdonald's.


It is,however,rather groundless to simply say that all children’s advertisements should be done away with. First, on no account can we ignore their immense values in terms of disseminating worthwhile information. In other words, with ads, it is easy to acquire desirable information and to compare the qualities of different products and thus to buy our needed children goods at reasonable prices. Also, many amusing advertisements aiming at children could facilitate teaching. By that I mean, well-made ads can be a kind of artwork, which can help children have a creative mind and stir their vivid imagination. Last, those advertisements containing artistic elements could add color to daily life of those who are in the formative years.


In closing, it is my stand that advertising aiming at kids is a two-edged sword. However, give up eating for fear of choking is unacceptable. What we should do is to strictly penalize detrimental ads and thus minimize the adverse impacts.


1. advertisements aiming at children 儿童广告

2. children-oriented advertising 儿童广告

3. advertisements targeting at children 儿童广告

4. exert a subtle influence on 对于……有微妙的影响

5. are affected by = are influenced by = are swayed by 被……影响

6. fake and illegal advertisements虚假、非法的广告

7. wise consumers = wise buyers 理性的消费者

8. irrational buyers = unwise buyers 非理性的消费者

9. buy goods without consideration 冲动购物

10. impose much pressure upon consumers economically 增加消费者的经济负担

11. endanger the consumers’ interests 威胁到消费者的利益

12. advertisement represented by super stars 明星做的广告

13. disseminate worthwhile information 传播有价值的信息

14. Many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers 很多的广告公司会雇佣歌手以及明星代言商品

15. are full of flowery phrases and empty promises 充满了花哨的宣传语及空洞的承诺

16. give up eating for fear of choking 因噎废食

17. Many unwise buyers will buy the goods their favorite stars represent 许多的非理性的消费者会购买他们喜欢的明星代言的商品

18. foster rational consumption habits 培养理性的消费习惯

19. Bundle sale of children’ meals by giving out gift toys ought to be penalized. 以赠送玩具的方式,捆绑销售儿童套餐应该被处罚。

20. Virtually, American has already enacted relevant legislations to restrict such sale promotion of KFC and Mcdonald's. 实际上,美国已经该立法,限制肯德基和麦当劳的这种促销方式。



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