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2017年09月01日11:57 来源:小站整理
参与(2) 阅读(18627)

雅思写作话题:In recent years pressure on school and university students has been increasing and they are pushed to work very hard from a young age.Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 近年来学生身上的压力越发大,他们必须从小就刻苦努力。好与坏?



The pressure of students in university is increasing rapidly in recent years, since having a bachelor degree is not an edge in the job market any more. Therefore, some people are entertaining the idea that students should be pushed to work hard at young age so as to excel.However, I believe that this would lead to several undesirable consequences.

Students are getting more pressured to achieve their goals mostly set up by their parents or teachers early in life, and getting good grades has become one of them that they are aspiring for. It has been perceived that a good academic record from school can lead to a better academic qualification which could possibly place someone to a decent job. With such belief,people may neglect on the negative effects of the pressure students are encountering. In order to develop students' potentials in academic studies as much as possible, many schools today practice an elite students policy that students are taught separately according to their levels of intelligence. But what makes it a mockery is that instead of making them outstanding, those selected children in advanced classes are deprived of a normal but essential part of growing up, and those who are rejected from studying with the gifted students usually suffer psychological pressure from their parents or themselves not being "good" enough.

Many parents and teachers have a distorted recognition of education today and sometimes students themselves believe that the only purpose of going to school is simply to guarantee a future career and gaining a better chance Of employment. But they have witnessed examples of young people who are struggling to find jobs and those who have found work is being underpaid and exploited. Therefore, peåple are believed that students should work harder at young age to stand out in adulthood. But, this pressure-driven fashion of education leads to a negative attitude to learning.

All the stress experienced by a student now should be considered seriously, and before making young minds ready for the competitive world too early, allowing them to study and live in a cooperative way is essential for their growing up.



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