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2018年02月01日19:41 来源:小站整理
参与(8) 阅读(21808)
摘要:为大家带来18年2月1日场雅思写作范文,社会类话题,真题:Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects on those countries?话题有关人口增长。
为大家带来2018年2月1日场的雅思写作大作文Task2真题范文,本场考试写作为社会类话题,题目为:Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects on those countries?数据显示,在一些国家,15岁或更年轻的人口比例在不断增加。你认为目前和未来对这些国家的影响是什么?范文来自native speaker。话不多说,范文自取:

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雅思写作Task 2范文

In recent decades, some nations have witnessed a rise in the young population proportion, raising many questions of social stability and long-term growth. Although its current undesirable impacts sound legitimate, the future effects could be equally negative and positive.

It should be acknowledged that this pattern could culminate in many current devastating consequences. First, young population is invariably associated with the higher degree of capital investments in the construction of public facilities for young citizens especially educational institutions, thereby reducing the disbursements on other public sectors such as healthcare and social welfare. Second, a rise in young population also suggests an increase in the percentage of juvenile delinquency. In fact, Due to not integrating into the formal schooling, many young individuals below 15 in Vietnam have a penchant for becoming pickpockets or pilfers for life maintenance, breeding the future offenders for even more serious felonies.

Nonetheless, this rising spectrum in young population would lead to both positive and negative impacts in the future. On the one hand, this upward trend correlates with the larger workforce in the future. This means that more young people would seek for an occupation for tax payment, contributing to the prosperity and stability of the national economy.On the other hand, the young population would pressurize the official authorities to generate employment opportunities. Otherwise, the likelihood of rising unemployment proportions would be inevitable, decimating the national economy.

In conclusion, an increasing percentage of the young population could be overwhelmingly fraught with many pitfalls in both current and future measures regardless of an upside of a bigger workforce. Official authorities could undertake some initiatives controlling the fertility rate to balance the population for the long-term growth.



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