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雅思考试(International English Language Testing System,简称IELTS)是一种针对英语能力,为打算到使用英语的国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。雅思考试分为听力、阅读、写作以及口语四个部分。雅思口语考试时间大概为10至15分钟,考官与考生进行一对一交流,从而对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。

Part 1
workor study / hometown / accommodation / weather and season / sky / greenery / friends  / color / shopping ( online shopping ) / shoes / trees / collection / clothes / travel / museum / travel / weekend activity / sleep / handwriting / letter and email / TV program / time management 次高频题holiday / teacher / invitation / housework / reading / camping / nature

Part 2

Describe a book you read recently.Describe an occasion you waited for someone.

Describe a pleasant surprise. Describe a childhood song you remembered well.  Describe your favorite famous person. ( pros and cons of being famous )

Describe a TV or radio program you sometimes talk with others.  Describe a book you read recently. Describe a sports man you like.Describe an interesting app you downloaded in your phone, tablet or computer.  ( influence of tech ) Describe a historic building you visited.

Describe a childhood song you remembered well.  Describe an occasion you had to be friendly to someone you disliked.  Describe a person you know who is a good leader. ( female ) Describe something you want to buy in the future.

Describe someone you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenager.

Describe a place full of color. Describe a person who is good at cooking. Describe an exciting sport you know.  Describe a film you would like to watch again.  ( cinema vs. home )Describe something you would like to buy in the future.

Describe an interesting conversation you had with others. ( face to face communication vs. phone ) Describe a place you would like to visit again. ( preparation when you travel abroad )

Describe a family member you would like to work with. Describe a place full of color. Describe a person you know who is a good leader.

Describe something you would like to buy in the future Describe a habit from your friend you would like to develop.

Describe a historic building. 

Describe a subject you disliked but have interests in now. ( teacher / teaching method ) Describe a place full of color ( male and female )

Describe a toy in your childhood 

Describe an important job in your country. ( when )

Describe a piece of good news from TV or the internet. Describe a family member you would like to work with.

Describe a long journey you would like to make again. ( short trip vs. long journey )Describe something you did with a group of people. 

( communication )Describe something you borrowed from others. Describe something you did which was a waste of time.

Describe a person you know who is a good leader ( making decision / supervisor ) Describe a piece of good news from TV or the internet.

Describe an occasion you were friendly to someone you disliked. Describe a good advice you got.

Describe a project you were involved in. Describe a famous band / singer ( big company vs. small company / money-oriented )

Describe an occasion that you waited for someone.  




