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A place you went to that was full of colour.小站独家解析

You should say

Where it is
Why you went there
What you did there
And explain why you think this place was made so colourful.

The colourful place I once went to was a kindergarten. I went to my aunt’s home in another city for my vacation last year. One day, my aunt was too busy to pick up my niece from the kindergarten, so I went there in place of her. It was my first time to visit that kindergarten. I was shocked by the colourful wall when I stepped into their classroom. Kids in this kindergarten could paint the picture directly on the wall using various crayons. Then I asked the teacher why they allowed the kids to do so. The teacher told me that creating a colourful world was essential for children. They felt free to draw their imagined world whenever they wanted. Other kindergartens might not allow the kids to do so, but the teacher in this kindergarten thought that forbidding children to do something creative was not a wise choice and it would ruin children’s creativity and imagination. Besides, the classroom is also decorated with other colourful things such as green chairs, yellow desks, which is helpful to cultivate children’s colour sensibility. Teachers in this kindergarten even draw the colourful pictures together with the kids, which creating a harmonious atmosphere in the kindergarten. If I had a child, I would definitely decorate his / her room with colourful things and allow her/him to draw on the wall. 


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