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Describe a popular band or singer in your country.小站独家解析

You should say

When it first become popular?
What style of music it perform
Who (what kinds of people) like this band or singer
And explain why you think they are popular

This band is called “XXXXX” which I think is really popular here in china nowadays. It first came to the people’s sight was in 2008, they released their very first single call “XXXX” and left a deep impression on folks. The dance in this MTV also stirred a trend of mimicking, everybody started to follow their unique hilarious way of dancing and perform it in some informal occasions just for the sake of entertaining others. Their music style is simply just pop and rock and roll, but the feature of it is not the way they sing but the way they dance and the funny lyrics they wrote for each song. I think it’s mostly the teenagers and young people that follow their music, but the elderly still accept their music widely because they think it will make them happy and think optimistically. Especially for the students, they like to sing and imitate their music in the open shows and even in karaoke. The reason why I think they are really popular is that they did not only create a unique style of music producing but also lead a trend among people. The spirit they imposed on us is always to be optimistic and think positively, a lot of depressed and frustrated people are encouraged by their music. In one word, they will chase your blue away in a minute.


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