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Talk about a historic place that you visited.小站独家解析

You should say

What kind of place was it?
Where was it?
How did you feel about it?

The historic place I’d like to talk about today is the Uffizi gallery in Florence. From my personal acknowledgement, I do believe this gallery is the most remarkable gallery I’ve ever visited. In one word, it represents for the mighty fruit and spirit of the great Renaissance. The Uffizi gallery was originally the official bureau and residence of the great local family Medici which has ruled the city of Florence for 4 centuries in prosperity. Judging from the name of it, “Uffizi” means office in Italian. So the original function of it was just the office. However, the humble name of it doesn’t belie its magnificent nature. Throughout the early ruling years of the Medici family, they hired and honored numerous great painters and sculptors to decorate this gigantic “office”. Say Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael were all their loyal craftsmen. Masterpieces like “Madonna, David” as you could ever imagine can be all found here. In 1765.this private bureau first opened up for the public as a museum and gallery and all its treasures and relics were finally unveiled to people. I first came to visit this holly palace in 2012 and was tongue tight for its incomparable beauty. No matter it is the elaborative layout or the clinquant masterpieces it enfolds has touched me deep inside. Standing in the center hall of it with my eyes closed. It seems like I can hear the sermon of those mighty pops and family heads, visualizing myself getting back to that blossom age of Renaissance.


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