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Talk about a historic place that you visited.Sample Answer4

You should say

What kind of place was it?
Where was it?
How did you feel about it?

Last year during the national holiday, several friends and I had a self-served travel in Qingdao.

It is a major city in eastern China whose name in Chinese means green island. Qingdao is a major seaport, naval base, and industrial centre. The world's longest sea bridge, the Jiao zhou Bay Bridge, links the main urban area of Qingdao with Huang dao district, straddling the Jiao zhou Bay sea areas.[ It is also the site of the Tsingtao Brewery, the second largest brewery in China

That city used to be colonized by Germany and occupied by Japan. A century passed and the pain of occupation and war and everything else have long gone, except some exotic architectures. There is a large number of German-style buildings in Qingdao city centre, remarkable considering the German colonial period only lasted 16 years (1898–1914). The unique combination of German and Chinese architecture in the city centre, combined with German demographic roots and a large Korean expatriate population, gives Qingdao a distinct atmosphere. A larger number of areas in former foreign styles are well preserved.

I heard from one of my classmates that St.Michael’s Cathedral is amust-visit place in Qingdao, and we went there for a visit. As we stepped out of the taxi, I saw a newlywed couple taking wedding pictures in front of the cathedral. this city has abundant modern buildings, beautiful mountains and even the sea. I saw all of these things when I visited a former residence of ChiangKai-shek. It stood along the coastline, with full access to the sea and the urban landscape, sheltered by rows of pine trees.

An old saying described Qingdao as a city of "red tiles green trees, blue sky and blue sea." This saying indeed gives a picture of bird view of Qingdao. It’s a wonderful journey.

Describe a garden/park you often go to.Sample Answer 1
Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home).Sample Answer 1
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