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Describe a popular band or singer in your country.Sample Answer2

You should say

When it first become popular?
What style of music it perform
Who (what kinds of people) like this band or singer
And explain why you think they are popular

Music haves the magic power to puts us in a special mood and an excellent singer can strike a spiritual chord with his or her audience. Han Hong, who is my favorite among numerous singers, is a wonderful example of this.

Han Hong, one of the greatest singers in China, and has won the best female singer award many times. She made her name as a singer and composer by her song ‘Snow Territory Ray’ at 1997. In 2005, the song ‘Heaven road’ raised her to a shiningly new level and made her a household name. Han Hong gained popularity amongst the youth with her brave Tibetan style performance as well as her clear and pleasant voice. It was truly a spiritual enjoyment to listen to her ether voice, while she displayed her deep love for Tibet.

Besides her singing talent, Han Hong have a lot of other precious qualities, which contribute a lot to her fame. For instance, her love conveyed in her song ‘Day Break’ moved thousands of audience present in the party on March 15 in 2000. That song was a gift for a little girl who had lost her parents in an accident. The girl survived at the price of her mom’s life. Han Hong expected this song to be always be there for this girl for the rest of her life, no matter ups and downs. Off the stage, Han Hongnever cease financially aiding those unfortunate children.

What is a rarity is that Han Hong learned quickly from her mistakes, which few celebrities are brave enough to do.Well-known as a public figure, Han Hong became arrogant once that she felt affronted when mistaken as an ordinary woman by a toilet cleaner.  She made a public apology to that cleaner and apology was accepted.

As far as I am concerned, Han Hong is popular for her singing gift but far more for her charming personality.

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