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A famous person you want to meet (not from your country) Sample Answer2

You should say

Who he/she is?
Why he/she is famous?
How you got to know him/her?
And explain the reason why you want to see him/her

I am a huge fan of Roger Federer. He has won 17 grand slams and is regarded as one of the best tennis players of all time. I first knew his name in 2008 on the news saying that he ranked first fora record 237 consecutive weeks. What charms me most is Federer’s perseverance and self-confidence, which is also a reason why I want to meet him.

Among the matches I’ve been part of, I will never forget the final of 2012 Wimbledon, where Roger

Federer became the champion after having been failing for the past two years. It’s was a stiff competition. Faced with Andy Murray, another top tennis player, Federer was in hot water at the start.He had two main difficulties to get over. Firstly, for those over 30, it’s inevitable that their body functions decline a lot. So a quick game was the best.Secondly, as a host player, Murray could get more support and cheers from audience. There was no doubt that the atmosphere of the court was unfavourable to Federer.

I felt terrible when Federer lost the first set and struggled in the second. What’s worse, he was close to his physical limits. However, I couldn’t spot anything negative on his confident face. He seemed to care nothing about his trouble. His only focus is on each of rival’s movements and each swing of his racket. When an unforced fault appeared, he didn’t failed to maintain his grace. Yet when he delivered the win, he yelled and cheered for himself. He had every confidence in believe in his final victory. After an epicbattle, Federer won the second set with 7-5.This win became a turning point. He defeated Murray in the next two sets and smile as the final victor.

Every now and then, his feisty smile comes to me with some strength I badly need. One lesson I learn from respectable Roger Federer is that you should have faith in yourself under any circumstances and fight until the very last minute.

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