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A famous person you want to meet (not from your country) Sample Answer3

You should say

Who he/she is?
Why he/she is famous?
How you got to know him/her?
And explain the reason why you want to see him/her

Well, if you ask me to describe a person, a foreign celebrity, I would absolutely choose to talk about Bill Gates, who is from the United States. He is the guy everybody on the planet is familiar with.As we all know, he is one of the richest person all over the world. When were fer to Bill Gates, his name is synonymous with the money, wealth, rich, and kind of things like that. When it comes to his career, he is the founder of Microsoft, which is an American multinational technology company that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. He managed to expand the business model and caters to need of personal computer users by providing humanized software and operating system. Apart from his success about this career, he also contributes a lot to philanthropy. Especially, he and his wife donate much money to eliminate multiple deadly diseases in the third world.I cannot even imagine and express what kind of feeling I will have when I meet him someday. If I have a chance to be face to face with him, it is my honor to have an in-depth conversation with him about his views of some things. Anyway,his career and his spirit inspire and motivate me a lot.

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